WORST Ski crashes people survived Most dangerous mountain falls compilation [FailForceOne]
Every hero of this video survived extreme cliff fall
1st video Devin Stratton was skiing with a friend in Utah when he decided to follow someone else’s tracks. Devin believes his sister, Rachel, who passed away more than a year ago from cancer was watching over him that day. “It was more than lucky. It was a miracle,” he exclaimed.
2nd vid Todd Ligare hits Papa Jordan a duble stage cliff in Pemberton, BC. over 40 foot
4th video A basejumper has had a lucky escape after the high bar he launched off snapped, sending him over the edge of a 1,200m cliff
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GjG62Mfi7A – World’s most expensive cars 2017
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwZNNPbdXdg – World’s most mysterious books ever written
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4:00 holy shit
Checkout my ski crash in Chamonix! So CRAZY!! MUST SEE! It is in my channel.
2:40 funnest thing i have ever seen, 2:41 shits his diaper
My fucking back started to hurt after seeing the first one
I'm glad the guy in the first clip landed on his back it absorbed most of the shock
That's the nice thing about go pros. You can record your death for your family in glorious high definition.
I know damn well that dude isn’t ok
5:46 they see me rollin
**ThAt Is NoT fUnNy**
The first clip is my worst fear
Idk. Just me or does the first one seem “fun”?
Most of these cliff falls are unexpected.
4:17 HOW IS HE ALIVE?!?!?!?!?!
O M G!
4:34 What is that guy doing backcountry in the mountains with a rental snowboard!? Stupid tourists thinking they can go pro. No wonder they get in accidents…
I can't believe that the first video the guy did not DIY
"Haha! I'm alive!"
Whilst I broke my leg going on a ski jump
The 1st clip was a long fall don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t as big as it looked as was recorded on a GoPro which uses a wide camera so everything seems further away
dumb dumb bubble gum
I believe all of those are cheating.
Everyone always seems to be completely fine after these ski accidents. It’s very disappointing.
Ive had a few bad ski crashes in my time but this is another level
0:58 dafuq was that ?
clever. lets hope. gona be ok.
If it ain’t your time it ain’t your time bro
pretty sure the second guy saw the clip of the first guy falling and he's like let me do the same exact thing just to see if it hurt
That 2nd guy is a retard he put his uphill ski on first? didnt even know the basics
The 2nd skier cracked me up “whoa whoa whoaaaaaa”
呃 …… 厉害了?
2:55 rude he died what if you died and people laghed at you
i went skiing last weekend for the first time in my life and decied to go on a black diamond (most difficult) but i fell face first in the snow and my skis fell off but i couldnt put them back on so i cried loud and this nice man helped me 🙂 Btw im 10 years old XD
2:17 how the hell is this skiing
“I’m okay!”
No, you aren’t okay. You’re in over your head.
Peoples’ egos writing checks that their abilities can’t cash.
2:40 …this is just stupid. The entire fun of jumping off a cliff with a parachute is the part where you’re parachuting. So why would you complicate the most important part, which is clearing the cliff?
That happens if you ski of-piste
The high bar one, fuck no
These people are so lucky to be alive right now
lol how people assume that because a guy had a parachute he is 110% fine is funny af. do you have any idea how many adjustments you have to make in seconds in order to not fly into the cliff or break your legs
I agree that these are really the WORST SKI CRASHES I'VE EVER SEEN
Aah yes…my buddy Darwin hard at work
0:14 how did he survive that let alone not break anything? That looked like a 20m fall or something ridiculous
My keyboard when I'm playing Fortnite XD
0:32 ya dude I totally just fell if that cliff dude it’s pretty gnarly dude shakabra dude?
If you take a risk like this and die, nobody should feel sorry.