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Compilation of crashes and accidents caused by inattention and drivers and passengers when you open the door on a busy road. Where they are also common motorcyclists who like to travel between the rows at a high speed.
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Man, those car doors are suicidal. They just open by themselves to end it all.
The motorcyclest got doored
3:20 – Evil cunt got what he deserved.
Knocked down a biker, and just tried to walk away without an apology or anything.
One of the first things they teach you when learning the rules of the road… dont open your door into traffic, cause it'll be your fault and you lose your fucking door.
Shit happens?
It's a special door that now opens all the way
…motorcycle riders who ride between cars are braking the law, not suppose to do that,shiit happens…
3:23 hahaha that had me dying! Was so cute the way he was punching that guy! Hahahaha
I’m very glad to see this happen – if it’s a car then it’s just some damage but if you hit a biker/cyclist then it can be deadly (especially cyclist as most bike lines are right in the dooring zone)
Fucking idiot self entitled bikers deserve it. They think they can do what they want
2:56 lol
I don't care about cyclists but opening a door on them is utterly stupid and should be punishable by a thorough beating
Who swings their door out like that anyways?
I always open mine 45 degrees
Seems to me that motorbikes are common to be hit with doors cos they can dodge cars ?
Aja jajajaaa
Happened to me on a motorcycle which lead for me to buy a handgun so if next time happens to me this or some road incident and not being my fault i will fucking kill them as long as nobody will know who i am or in few months i will find him or whatever
Love to see at least one complete dumbass get the living shit beat out him for opening their door. The parked cars and the drivers are not paying attention.who drives that close to parked cars anyway.
who the f**k just flings their door wide open in moving traffic?
These are the same people who give you door dings
Why do idiots go flying towards and get so close to a a car that will open door it makes no sense
They should really ban drivers from hitting doors that open I don’t get the point of hitting them scaring or putting the people in the car in danger. If a car door is going to open slow down go around it is common sense or it should be
All these fuckers deserve driving cars without doors!
Пиздец блядь мотодятлы включая гаеров в межрядье при наличии разметки двигаться нельзя…
What does youmite mean?
Всех жалко, кроме мотобата… Там же ездить нельзя , гандоны, ха ха ха, вы же за это всех штрафуете, пидорги. Не мотобратья вы нам, а мотошакалы!!!
долбоеб с ленточкой!
Stupids russian
I like that people open door on purpose when police is trying to cut thru lines… Support that
the last one was the most satisfying
What fucking idiot opens their door out into traffic? Unless they were just getting in that door needs to be kept shut or it will be taken off by another car.
2nd last video…… Man is walking after opening the door like nothing happend…. And got the treatment deserved…..
People in cars hate seeing motorcycles pass them as they have to wait. All those doors opening on the the motorcycles were intentional!
Супер!!! Молодцы!!!
يوم خبطه برد كبدي?
I don't pity the motorcyclists.. I think lane splitting is idiotic, because motorcyclists can drive much faster between traffic than it's possible to observe. Also, it's illegal in most places, but police don't seem to enforce the law. They should, because motorbikes count as an entire vehicle in most places, so stay in your lanes.
Я стал водить намного лучше чем раньше и удар…
1. look first
2. it's a car, not a house. no need to open the door that far out
Russia is the perfect example of why inbreeding is wrong.
154..the best best best and number one reason why it so dumb and stupid.to cut down the.line..fool.he could been staked or needed to get in trunk..it not his fault you fools on motorcycle that drive your bike c
Between v
Stupid ppls why open the door bfr looking in the mirror !!
Bikers should loss their license if they drive between cars that are stopped!