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#FailArmy #FailsoftheWeek
All these comments about that black cow in the pool…
My favorite part was when the whale was getting beached
Was hoping the fence was electrified…
hey theres a pole there… lol
After watching these morons, I feel like a genius.
In the last one you can't tell if the fail is in the cow chasing them or in the subtitles…
Not take chrashes
You could say that they were really… cowed by her presence lol
Came here 3 years later because I still die laughing when I watch 4:02
2:39 killed me
Fat guys + Unsteady Swings = Disaster
2:33 what are those noodles? O_o
2:47 beached Whale.
I was hoping those kids at the end were gonna get trampled to death. They deserved it for harassing the animals. The only place where you should be harassing a cow is on Tumblr
We need to rescue that poor beached whale.
Yeah, the young cow at 4:01 was only inquisitive and more scared of you. But you showed him that you were more scared of him and he took advantage of you lack of knowledge not to run, but you both ran. So then he felt frisky and just wanted to play with these city folks who have no knowledge of country life! Oh yeah try a little green grass, yes that stuff at your feet, pull some up with your hands and feed it to him!!!! He may also just lick you with his big tongue. WOW, SO LOL! No Stick Max!?
2:42 A Beached Whale
0:03 look's like the guy just pressed something at he's snowmobile and a barrier came in xD
1:16 to je cech 😀
4:10 > I believe the world has room for all of God's creatures …right next to the mashed potatoes.
Oh so everyone wants to disagree with idiots who were messing with the cow but everyone wants to laugh and make fun of the woman who kept getting knocked down by the waves just because she is larger than what is deemed acceptable. Society can go shit itself and so can you. Oh, and to the asshole who called the cow a "mean bitch" that cow would have easily kicked your ass.
2:45 OMFG its free willie!free her!
The guy at 2:05 probably completely broke his shit. XD
Ty pičo.. Kámo dobrý?
After watching this I laughed so much I feel like a horrible person?