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Chinese Street Food HEAVEN in Xi’an, China! Today we’re going for a HUGE Chinese Street Food Tour of Xi’an, trying a ton of amazing Street Food in China, making spinach noodles, spicy dumplings, and MORE!
Today, I’m (Trevor James, The Food Ranger), bringing you to try 6 amazing Chinese Street Foods in Xi’an, China. Get ready for some amazing Chinese street food on this fun street food ADVENTURE!
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Xi’an is home to some of the best street food in China – with a huge muslim population that eats only halal food, with tons of beef and lamb, noodles, and more, as well as a large Han Chinese population that has it’s own distinct Chinese cuisine. Each cuisine has unique recipes and we are showing you how the cooking is done on the street!
Some of the famous Street Food in Xi’an, China is shown in this street food vlog by myself (Trevor James, The Food Ranger).
In this Xi’an series, we’re bringing you to try some of the best street food in Xi’an.
In my opinion, Xi’an is a true street food HEAVEN. You can find tons of Islamic Chinese halal food like SPICY lamb kebabs, biang biang noodles, spicy and nutty liangpi jelly noodles, spinach noodles, roujiamo Chinese pita burgers with beef or lamb, and han style roujiamo burgers made with pork as well, along with sweet desserts with dates and ingredients commonly found further west.
I hope that you enjoy this full street food tour of Xi’an. This is just part 1. You’re going to love the food if you visit here! Xi’an is a true Chinese street food lovers heaven! You can eat so much, and I always miss the city after I leave. There is just so much food to try! You have to come here to eat!
I also really love the variety of Xi’an noodles you can try. In this street food vlog, we sample the famous spinach noodles, but there is so much more, like Xi’an biang biang noodles, and yangroupaomo rice noodles with beef as well.
Here are the addresses to the restaurants in this Chinese street food tour video of Xi’an, China:
5) Xi’an Muslim Hui Chinese Style Jianbing –
Street Stall Name: 老丁家
Street food address: 庙后街191号
4) Luzhi Liangfen (A jelly noodle covered in a mustard garlic chili sauce)
Restaurant name: 老何家卤汁凉粉
Restaurant address: 西大街287号
3) Hongmigao bing ( A deef fried pastry made of sticky rice dough and stuffed with sweet molasses and rose)
Street food stall name: 红米糕
Street food address: Intersection of 庙后街 And 小学西巷
2) Suantang Jiaozi sweet and spicy beef dumplings:
Restaurant name: 二优质酸汤水饺
Restaurant Address: 洒金桥131号路东
1) Amazing Xi’an famous spinach noodles:
Restaurant Name: 家乡手擀菠菜面
Restaurant Address: 南长巷中段路北17号楼
This is just the beginning! Make sure to watch the whole Xi’an street food series to enjoy even more street foods!
My name is Trevor James and I’m a hungry traveler and Mandarin learner that’s currently living in Chengdu, Szechuan, China, eating up as much delicious .
I enjoy tasting and documenting as many dishes as I can and I’m going to make videos for YOU along the way! Over the next few years, I’m going to travel around the world and document as much food as I can for you! I love delicious food! This channel will show you real Chinese food and real local food, not that stuff they serve in the Buzzfeed challenge.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefoodranger
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoodRanger
Insta: https://instagram.com/thefoodranger
Love the music I use? Get a FREE month from me to you! http://share.epidemicsound.com/pf97L
Get your Food Ranger Merch Here, TAI HAO LE Merch here:
My Gear for shooting these street food videos: https://www.amazon.com/shop/thefoodranger
Thanks so much for watching my food and travel videos!
I hope you enjoyed this Chinese Street Food Tour of Xi’an, China!
► My Food Blog: https://www.thefoodranger.com/
Hope you guys enjoy the video! If you want to try a ton of these delicious foods without worrying about getting lost, my friends over at Lost Plate offer an AMAZING tour with many of these same foods. AND, they are offering a 10% discount to any Food Ranger followers! Check them out: https://www.thefoodranger.com/XianFoodTour USE COUPON CODE “foodranger” on checkout to receive a 10% discount!
why is there 716 thumbs down..it's good food and the people are nice….wtf
This is living life, trailing through back streets of Asia eating amazing cheap fresh food..
I really like…. jealous, want to come back to China soon
all i here is nigga
6:32 it sounded like he said “nigga more” ?
يا ريت نتعلم منهم نعمل مكرونه من السبانخ
OMG I wanna try those dumplings too.
Are you sure they dont serve mice meat in their dumplings.
traduction francais ca serait top?
i really really hate this guy…hes so fake,….and you guys eat it all up
the more he says that the food is "nutty" i dont want to eat it.
I shouldn’t watch your video at midnight. I am sooooo hungry!! (Btw, I come from China, I can tell these food is super delicious!)
I just ate. I'm hungry again
It obvious that chineese food is ur favorite
You Should try Qinghai Province street food: NiangPi Rice noodle!
Beautiful food ,beautiful colors and most importantly your beautiful attatitude towards Humanity really shines. Keep up the good work and keep spreading love friendship and sharing your beautiful videos to the world.
This fucking video you can’t watch at late night. I look at my cellphone, the only thing I can order is pizza in Canada . I miss China.
The cutting is soooooo relaxing! What a technique!
Craving Chinese halal food… Its hard to find it here… Keep it coming..
Wow and you can speak in malay too??
It'd be interesting to hear about how that food treats you. If you aren't getting sick how do you avoid it and if you do how bad is it?
you so fake, if you dont like just said it!!!
James, by the way you can also campaign for ban on plastic. Can educate people across
soooooo, how do you get that stuff without having to learn chinese ? xd
Can you trust honey in China though?
6:34 xd
Good but need to control in usage of plastic bags
You are eating streetfood in CHINA ? Enjoy the afterlife.
and then they wonder why china is super power , just look at this guy making noodles
U said gaga at 21:49 or how ever you spell it.. doesn’t it mean brother or older brother.
Mother fucker i wanted to trade places with you min 7:07
Stop smiling so much.
He said booyakasha 4:20 lolol
How long did it take you to learn Cantonese is fluently as you speak it
Do you believe in jesus?
Who else thinks that it's cringey the way he eats
I get so hungry watching you 🙂
Street food indonesia delicious
Kolestrol menanti ?
As I know 90% Americans had never been in China. Once they go there, 100% of them will love there.
How come I never see the camera guy eat?
love this guy.. "lets eeeeeeat"
He sounds like Norbit from the movie Norbit