Dog rescued from street gutter. His recovery will amaze you.

Dog rescued from street gutter. His recovery will amaze you.
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Toffee looked more dead than alive when we rescued him, but you’re in for a surprise!

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About the Author: Animal Aid Unlimited, India


  1. C'est un Miracle, une reconnaissance que ce Toutou à vécu !!! Merci, tank you, gracias aux équipes de ce sanctuaire !!! Et longue vie à ce petit innocent !!

  2. Setiap kali aku lihat chanel ini, aku selalu meneteskan air mata. Terima kasih sudah menolong dengan sekuat tenanga, semoga Allah melindungi kalian semua, semoga Allah membalasnya dengan kebaikan, semoga makin sukses. Aamiin..❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. AWWWESEME RESCUE GUYS NIIICELY DONE AGAIN..YAH TOFFEE is a GREAT DOG..Want be Transformation in Just 3 WEEKS..D oesnt Even Hardly LooknLike the Same DOG..AMAZING that Just About every One of these Heartbreaking Stories in the Beginning the DOGS are So Dirty/Sick/Weak THEY Can Hardly Even Move or Want To ..It's Like They're just Waiting to DIE..But Almost EVERY TIME the DOG Manages to scrap up Enough Strength to WAG HIS/HER TAIL..It's Like They Kmow the People are there to RESCUE Them and Fix Em UP ??✌??

  4. I can sleep well knowing that people ALL OVER THE ? really truly care about animals too and know that their lives are just as important as ours are, thank you animal aid ?? God’s blessings be with the whole organization volunteers and everyone’s families

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