Firefighters Heroes Rescue Animals lives 2018 – Real Life Heroes – Faith In Humanity Restored 2018

Firefighters Heroes Rescue Animals lives 2018 - Real Life Heroes - Faith In Humanity Restored 2018
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  1. É maravilhosamente lindo! Parabéns a todos vcs que se preocupam em salvar a vida desses seres tão indefesos, não fazendo distinção de tamanho, raça ou espécie! Assisto esses vídeos e me emociono! As lágrimas, não consigo conte -las. Vibro por cada animalzinho salvo e me alegro em saber que há pessoas de tão bom coração que não se esquecem desses pequeninos. Muitas vezes eles são os únicos membros da família que não nos abandonam. Os amo demais e assistir esses vídeos expressando o cuidado pelos animais me enche de orgulho e esperança. Ainda tem muita gente que faz o bem sem olhar a quem. Deus continue abençoando todos vcs que fazem parte desse povo que ama e cuida dos nossos amigos de patinhas. Provérbios 12.10 diz:
    "O justo atenta para a vida dos seus animais, mas o coração dos perversos é cruel."
    Continuem sendo justos, a recompensa vem do Senhor.

  2. Gracias a todos por ayudar a estos seres maravillosos por estar dispuestos a dar de su tiempo y energias Dios los bendiga ?????????????

  3. Bravo vs etes des personnes au grand coeur vs sauvez tout le monde et nos animaux en font partis aussi vs savez quils sont des menbres a part entiere pour les gens qui tiennent a eux un grand bravo pour leur devouement ,les combats quils menent sans relache merci merci

  4. While Firefighters saving people is the ultimate in heroism, when they save animals it shows a true desire to help save all life and is always so great to see.

  5. the other day there's earthquake and that's my first time i ever felt an earthquake, i was sooo panicked and grab my 2 dogs ran from the 3rd floor. i swear i never ran that fast before,

  6. During the volcanic eruption we recently had here on the big island of Hawaii from Kiluea volcano our fire department would NOT allow any pets aboard rescue helicopters…. That was until I heard about this and did something about it!!!
    I got on Facebook and the phone. Out of almost 30 people i reached out to that had any pull within the local fire department here or in the animal world I found only one person willing to join me in facing the challenge. She is an angel!!! Inga G. that works with I.H.S. and I started making phone calls to the fire department asking them to change their policy to allow people being evacuated by heli which obviously had no other way to escape the lava let them bring their pets along with them. WE SUCCEEDED!!!! Only after having to resort to the threat of giving the local news stations this info along with the testimony of a man that they left completely surrounded by flowing lava just below the geothermal venture drill site because he wouldn't get on their helicopter without his dog named "Bear". The man and his dog stayed there for 8 days before I found out about this and made the flight happen with a private helicopter that could have lost their license, helicopter and company if Civil Defense found out about it at the time. CD, DLNR, FIRE DEPARTMENT, COUNTY AND STATE ALL FAILED OUR COMMUNITY BEYOND FATHOM!!! THEIR EGO's prevented them from working together whatsoever which caused hundreds of people to loose absolutely everything to the lava and they are also responsible for hundreds of animals dieing. Livestock, horses, dogs and cats among other animals were consumed by lava because our "officials" had their heads up their asses!!
    This left people like me in a moral necessity to make it happen!! We did everything we could and in the end we evacuated hundreds of homes for their owners and saved countless pets and livestock but then were attacked by the "officials" saying we were stealing and or vandalizing when they knew absolutely everything about what we were doing as I was in direct communication with CD and DLNR making sure we did everything legally and made absolutely certain that the homeowner's were with us or we had written permission witnessed by either a police Officer or C.D. official to be evacuating their belongings.
    They realized how badly they fawked up and tried to make us and especially me look bad but the community stood up for us!!!

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