Sometimes it’s better to have failed than try not at all (right?). This week we’ve got a bride who throws her bouquet a little to high, a boyfriend body slamming his girlfriend and a dog who can’t quite nail the jump. Have a video of your own? Submit it at failarmy.com!
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Woman Can’t Skimboard https://goo.gl/wLVyty
Skiing on Grass https://goo.gl/3qLk76
Power Kite Drags Person Across Field https://goo.gl/eWxP5s
Guy Falls Off Scooter Trying to Avoid Hitting Dog
Guy Flies Off Skateboard and Into Log https://goo.gl/S95upU
Guy Faceplants Trying to Ride Down Stairs https://goo.gl/AMBYxM
Woman Falls Off Dance Pole https://goo.gl/xQEigd
Girl Gets Knocked Down by Large Wave https://goo.gl/bqve1w
Guy Breaks Tree in Half While Climbing It
Clumsy Dog Falls off Tree
Partners Fail Cartwheel Exercise
Guy Fails Backflip on Beach
Boy Bounces Balloon off Ceiling Fan
Guy Fails to Jump on Balance Ball https://goo.gl/6cYRfv
Little Dog Humps Bigger Dog
Toddler Spins on Playground Equipment
Dog Misses Jump Into Car
Guy Tries to Drive Forklift With Broken Wheel
Guy Fails to Jump Over Tree Branch
Guy Tries to Throw Bottle Into Trashcan Behind His Back
Fish Attacks Diver Following It https://goo.gl/CvWv3j
Guy Trips Across Sand https://goo.gl/9ZH13r
Woman Falls to the Floor After Falling Asleep
Kid Kicks Uncle in the Balls https://goo.gl/7aws1h
Kid Fails BMX Rail Trick https://goo.gl/8DTDwG
Girl Loses Control of Bike Going Down Steps https://goo.gl/dhgsCE
Passing Elephant Picks up Camera https://goo.gl/nL2e5y
Girl Loses Shoe Doing Cartwheel https://goo.gl/z9GRLU
Drunk Guy Wrecks Glass Door With Motorcycle https://goo.gl/LExJzk
Guy Loses Retainer While Zip Lining https://goo.gl/AKv44T
Guy Into Stove While Attempting Handstand https://goo.gl/DZXUD4
Motorcycle While Attempting Wheelie https://goo.gl/BUpwF1
Girl Breaks Through Trampoline https://goo.gl/9DJFoA
Guy Knocks Kid Over While Going Down Slide https://goo.gl/he8T61
Guy Flips Off Overwater Bungalow and Belly Flops
Guy Jumps and Breaks Light During Band Practice https://goo.gl/5CrDA4
Construction Worker Falls off Ladder https://goo.gl/vfRxVf
Guy Tries to Fight Wave
Ceiling Fan Cuts Bouquet https://goo.gl/hi3t7A
#FailArmy #FailsoftheWeek
The bike guy was an idiot
1:09 rip my ears
4:02 is that Russian for I’m stupid, I shouldn’t have done that?
*i got a tinder ad*?
Why did the guy swim away from that fish
1:35 is that wisconsin
1:17 wat happens in grandma's garage stays in grandma's garage ight boys!!!
4:52 she fell under her own weight
2:48 is another law and order episode.
Hold my beer man watch this shit??
He spit chewing gum
6:35 he sounds so concerned.
3:13 got me ????
0:19 is Thad chadwildclay
4:19 what we all came for the title
What a fat fucc
4:31 his explosives exploded
1:40 he went so high
1:19 to the right is that best in class?!
1:20 někdo Čech 😀 😀 😀
Best moment 0:00to The end of this video
What a fack
I seriously can't understand why is there atleast one common clip in all FAIL ARMY videos
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4:03 – O KURWA, polish beauty is.
when god trys to take you up to the light but u dont want too
4:03 o kurwa
2:17 ….. the end.
2:20 Ultimate Depression
2 17 tho
She threw the wedding flowers and shredded to the fan. Whoops. 0:34.
3:57 POLAND ????
Oof that must suck
We’re 2 years late
Hold my beer
Puppy’s friend:I bet you can’t hump that big dog over there
Puppy:Hold my beer
Puppy: 2:46
3:20 is me when I run
04.03s Poland