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STUPID DRIVERS and EXTREME ROAD RAGE 2017 (Taiwanese edition)
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Perro lobo rescatado encuentra el mejor hogar
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About the Author: VIDEOHOLIC
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I don't understand the difficulty to break those windows, since a spark plug shard can break tempered glass instantly.
Are locksmiths scarce in Europe?
Ты в край стекла бей, а не в центр! Дибилы)))
0:42 the hell how is the window still standing when it get hits by a hammer but bikers can one punch it nigga whattttt
Why are people crazy now days
na you guys are bamm fucks i will pance you head boy
2:01 wtf why does he hit it like that
1:49 I found Mario
Oooh, this is Russians…
Il sont vraiment con
Just throw ceramic splitter on the Window…
If you hit it in the corner it the window Immediately shatter because that's the frame of the glass it's a structural part of the glass
Easy way to break it, get a spark plug and hit it with a hammer and throw the white stuff off it to the window and it will break easy
Fucking Russia fuck you russia
Hit the corners dumbfucks
Why didn’t he shoot the window??
10:20 lmao
They are smashing it like girls
3:00 isn't that the car alarm from how i met your mother? xD
Way he breking the car
If I See Someone Touching My Windows I would Fuck the Soul Outta that bitch
Man gta characters are strong. They can break the window with 1 punch
Why the fuck they break window glasses? And aim the corners….
You gotta love Russian people
0:34 ruch B
Schlägt man doch mit der faust ein xD
People don't know that if you hit a window with a sharp tip it breaks easily
Well done. You have achieved a gold medal. Bravo.
hit in the coorner??????????????
niko se nije sjetio okrent sikru na masice
5:38 Is it me or did that sounded like the sound that the glock makes in GTA 4 when you shoot it?
When breaking a window in a single hit, aim for the corners of the window cause it doesn't have that much of a trampoline effect and its stiff which is easier to break. If you want to break the weakest window, go for the left side or the right side of the car or the back window, NEVER go for the front window cause Its more tempered to take hits from small rocks when you going on the freeway. There's your fact for the day, peace out guys✌️.
haha the police at 9:10 should be equipped with a glasshammer. so easy to break glass with one of these.
thay ait doing it hard
1:43 look how he hits the window ?
roses are red violets are blue this title is English so why aren't you