EXTREME CURRY FACTORY in Bangladesh!! Check out https://ExpressVPN.com/thefoodranger for 3 months free w/ 1 year pack and 49% OFF! Today, we’re bringing you for a HUGE Street Food tour of Chittagong, Bangladesh, tasting one of the BEST beef curry dishes in the WORLD, and, trying some INSANE street food on the streets of Chittagong, Bangladesh!
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First up, we’re taking you to try a famous street food in Bangladesh, the Jhal Muri with a rich dhal lentil curry. Here on the streets of Chittagong, it was super UNIQUE, because the street food vendor mixes the jhal muri with the dhal, which is full of hundreds of EGGS!!! The vendor also insisted that I eat a fresh green chili to go with it, it was SPICY!!!
Next up, we’re meeting with Mr. Monju, owner of Mezzan Haile Aaiun, who is bringing us into his back kitchen CURRY FACTORY for EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to watch how the world famous Chittagong street food and festival food of Mezbani beef is prepared (also sometimes spelled Mejbani beef). Here in the back kitchen, he has a large staff preparing the local masalas using local spices and by grinding up ginger and garlic on their own stone mortar and pestles. Watching the masala being made was an amazing experience!
As soon as we walked in, you could smell the rich beef aroma in the huge decks. The famous dish, the mezbani beef, is prepared using a dark brown masala that is full of roast cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves, and local spices, and of course, the most famous ingredient for street food in Bangladesh, mustard oil. We watched the mezbani beef being prepared in this giant CURRY FACTORY and then made our way to Mr. Monju’s restaurant and had a huge table full of delicious curry.
When we arrived at Mezban Haile Aaiun, we ordered 4 dishes. The mejbani beef, the beef khala bhuna, the nola AKA beef nihari, and a chana dhal with huge chunks of beef. It was all incredibly delicious and was one of the best meals we had in Bangladesh, and made us both fall in love with Bangladeshi cuisine!
The next morning, we’re getting up at 5am to bring you for the ULTIMATE Nihari AKA Nola in downtown Chittagong. This is a super famous street food all throughout Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. Every country has their own way of cooking it, and here in Bangladesh, it was made with TONS of local desi ghee and fat from the beef bones and bone marrow. Slurping the beef bones is super satisfying because the fat is infused into the soup and you get a super strong flavour combined with all the local masala and naan!!!
And to finish off our Bangladeshi street food tour in Chittagong, we’re going to Nizam hotel for the ultimate Bangladeshi FEAST! One of the best things about food in Bangladesh is the mustardy kick to a lot of the curries, and here at Nizam hotel, we ordered a full table of chicken curry, beef curry, duck curry, turkey curry, and fish curry. And along with all of these curries, it was also served with tons of Bangladeshi bhortas, AKA mashed vegetable and dried fish dishes that are spicy and full of flavour!!! The best part about this amazing meal in Chittagong, Bangladesh, is the fact that you only pay for what you eat, and the rest is brought back to the kitchen!
We had an amazing time in Bangladesh and will definitely be back to make more of these food videos! I hope you enjoyed watching!
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WOWW!! This Mezbani Beef in Chittagong is worth traveling to Bangladesh for!! I hope you enjoy the vid! make sure to watch all the way until the end because this vid is PACKED with INCREDIBLE Bangladeshi street food HEAVEN! and follow me on Instagram for behind the scenes http://www.instagram.com/thefoodranger Thanks so much for watching!!!
খালি গায়ে লুঙ্গি পরে কেন হোটেল গুলোর কর্মচারীরা?
Every side to love in Bangladesh
Bangladeshi foods are really delicious
Wellcome to Bangladesh ?? men
Love all those food from Chittagong, place where i grew up and spent my childhood.. Mejbani beef is my favorite :p love from Canada… welcome to my City Trevor.. i hope u had a great time there..
My City my love my Chittagong …. So Much love to see you between us buddy ….. Love from Chittagong Bangladesh
Thank u mama,love from Bangladesh
masala legend))6:30 very very good!!!
Feeling super hungry
Delicious food's great people and great hospitality love you all my bangali brother's keep it up .. lot's of love from Pakistan ?
Tnq u so much bro.u r stay in dhaka now?i wanna meet with u plz….
(Mezban Haile ayun) That was awesome in your accent… Love from Chittagong…
Amazing video mamma
Man that mezbani beef is fucking awsome yo.
My background is Bangladesh!!! The people who said Bangladesh people are nice are the people who are nice.
you making me hunger day by day,love from chittagong,bangladesh
Assalam-o-alaikum Bangladesh from Lahore Pakistan. ❤
Can I have a special home recipe for mezbani beef, beef khala buna and nola? Please ?❤
And what are they called at homes?
Amazing country Bangladesh in World
I love my bangladesh from Pakistan
I need Bangali wife to cook halal beef for me.
Shame he didn't go down to Sylhet.
Where is dastagir Hotel located…. ????
I like your bangla….:-)
Thank you again brother ? wowwww Bangladesh ??????
I like that they are using cuttlery made from mud …. they are following Sunnah …?….. the food is so good and People are so friendly and loving …. love it …. And now he is in My country … love from Pakistan to Bangladesh ……. ?… plz watch his series of Pakistan…..?
You got it free, because bangladeshi serves foriegners like their own family memebers
Sylhet is waiting for you??????
Anyone else like how he tried to speak the language? Especially when he says “MAMA” even tho it’s meant to be bhai (brother) huge amount of respect and just amazing video of Bangladeshi food and culture
Price= tried to pay but free!!??❤
….❤.this is the hospitality of Bangladeshi people??❤
Trever remove that background sound from next video it doesn't sound good.
I love beef cary ?????
Is Bangladesh Hindu or Muslim country .
Wow, enak banget
I'm getting caught up on your videos some how haven't received notice sence you where on the Train in Sri Lanka ??? miss seeing you and Ting Ting. Love your videos
Trevor… That's my home town and you made me feel home.
Love from Bangladesh,Chittagong.
But you miss that #Rangamati Indigenous traditional food
It's very cheap in Bangladesh… One plate of Briyani price in my country(Malaysia) can buy 5 plate of Briyani in Bangladesh..damn…I prefer original Bangladesh Briyani…original taste..
We want part 2….
We want part 2….
That nihari is a disgrace to Delhi Nihari, Bangaldeshis need stop calling it nihari they fail at making it obviously.
wow food .
Kenapa pegawai restoran tidak disuruh pakai baju, kenapa cuma pakai kaos dalam saja
Indians, this video doesn't exit.
Bangladesh Dhaka city khub sundor….
Do these people not know what hygiene is.
❤️❤️wwooow ..u r in Bangladesh ?
i just love ur blog,i am one of ur biggest fan from Bangladesh..❤️❤️ welcome to our country ??
When you are coming Pakistan,love you mate
Love form #chittagong,Bangladesh.and "#majban_haile_ayon restaurant" is the best.because they sarve the best & fresh foods.?#majbani_food at chittagong are the best in Bangladesh.?Thanks to you to represent BANGLADESH?