What Do You Think Really Happens After Death? | Reddit #shorts

What Do You Think Really Happens After Death? | Reddit #shorts
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  1. I've once actually almost drowned before. I remember I was in a pool and I was going to the bottom again and again to see what was there then at one point it didnts hurt. I sat there longer than the other times and it was so peaceful I didn't want to leave. I don't know how long I was there but someone pulled me out eventually.

  2. When I was extremely young (not even one year old yet), I nearly died countless times. A few years later, I supposedly drew what I had seen on the other side, and what it was like when I went. This was shocking to my parents because neither one had yet told me about my many near-death experiences.

  3. Nothing. Your brain just stops functioning. You don't feel, see, hear, smell, or taste anything. But, I've heard that hallucinagenic chemicals in the brain are sometimes released upon death, and in my limited knowledge of psychedelics, being under those effects can make time feel different. So, I think that it's possible that when you die, you sort of dream until I guess the universe ends, which I guess for some people can seem like an afterlife.

  4. I'm thinking it's either
    A: A dark void of nothingness
    B: Infinite dreaming (Maybe the scum of the earth would be stuck in a nightmare for a while or forever)
    C: Quantum immortality TLDRing it but if scrƶdinger's cat dies it would be in a different timeline where it lived. I'm leaning towards b

  5. Itā€™s shown that the chemical in your brain that makes memories vivid and you know, memories is released when you die in large amounts. I think your life literally flashes by but in a normal speed, so you relive all of your memories. That means you could be dead right now and you wouldnā€™t know because when you die in your memories it just loops over and over

  6. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can't feel or see or hear or whatever anything anymore at all. But you also don't know it because you can't. Like, you don't feel every second you're asleep, right? That's how I imagine it.

  7. i just think about it either like a sleep without dreams or like before you were born. before you were born, you didn't feel anything and you have no memories from then. when you sleep and don't dream, you don't feel anything and you have no memories from then. they're both peaceful times of nothingness, and thinking about those times doesn't make me panic, so the idea of re-entering that state doesn't make me panic either. just how i will re-enter that is what makes me a bit scared

  8. I would love that if there is an afterlife, I could rewatch moments in history like a tv show and get to the answers to some of the unsolved mysteries. Like if Amelia Earhart survived, wtf was she doing the rest of her life? Who was DB Cooper? Did those dudes survive after escaping from Alcatraz?

  9. Probably nothing. You canā€™t think when your brain is dead. We are made up of memories, learning and developing personality traits. So when that goes alway. Oxygen leave the brain. Hence the sense of cold, you also begin to relax, that black void is the eyes beginning to fail due to the cut off in neural pathways. You begin to not feel, since the brain is not sending signals to the body. Your brain is also stimulating, so strong emotions such as panic and excitement cease, thatā€™s why you have that feeling. You may also begin to hallucinate, due to lack of oxygen. In the end, after your brain has completely shut down, theoretically after that, that sensation ceases, so you start forgetting everything. Then eventually existence disappears in a way we canā€™t comprehend. But eventually, we will think and feel as much as any inanimate object.
    But the nice thing is that like he said, your at peace. But you should lead life to the fullest, do something to make life worth it. Even if you believe that your existence is pointless, understand that the most successful and well remembered people thought the same thing, or other people thought that about them. Iā€™m just some guy in the comments, but create an ambition you can strive for.

  10. Rebirth. Thatā€™s all, whether a flower, or animal, or even a human, rebirth. I like to think of that because whenever my dog died i couldnā€™t cope healthily so I made my dog into a flower, person, and another animal. I have no proof of rebirth but it makes me at peace. I donā€™t want to think that my dog is forever gone, but happy in his new life.

  11. in my practice what happens after death is your spirit basically becomes a ghost that can roam and watch the alive world, even being able to interact with the objects and being able to slightly communicate with the people who are on the human realm
    so as i said basically to me you become a ghost and you live in a similar way as you did when you were alive but nobody can see you

  12. Not my story but my dads: so my grandparents had this huge swing that goes over a not huge but decent sized hill and one day my dad went out really early while no one was up and well of course he fell and landed unconscious and all he remembers is a white hall and the sound of running water and waterfalls and then he woke up in the hospital. I kinda feel like he saw something he wasn't supposed to as he got into a huge car wreck and he was the only survivor but it still effects him to this day

  13. I'm a Christian, but believe something technically a bit different from what I think most people in the US consider to be the Christian afterlife.

    Step 1: Hades. The Greek term meaning the place described as 'in the belly of the earth' (literal or figurative, idk). It has two sides, 'Abraham's Bosom' or paradise and Tartarus or Torment with a chasm in between. This is described in Jesus' story of the rich man and Lazarus (this one stays dead, he doesn't come back). It seems people are presorted here until Judgement Day.

    Step 2: Judgement Day. Per the description of Revelation, there is a book of life and if your name is in it, you're good, if not, well, lake of fire that seems to be more of the same from Tartarus. Now a lot of Revelation is symbolic, not literal, but the 'book of life' has other references elsewhere.

    Step 3: eternity. No guarantee those in the book of life actually go to heaven. In fact, the New Jerusalem depicted in Revelation comes OUT of heaven. But God and Jesus are there and so tangibly present that their light is the only light needed. There will be no marriage, no war, no tears. And we will spend eternity getting to know God. Which makes logical sense, because if you're going to live eternally, you need something eternal to do. As far as we know/believe the only infinite thing out there is God. But this also means that anyone who knows God has already begun eternal life and is just waiting for their body to give out.

    At no point does a human become an angel. My understanding is that they're two different types of spiritual beings. It's a bit like saying a dog can become a horse.

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