Best Fails/Wins of July 2018

Best Fails/Wins of July 2018
Spread The Viralist

Best fails and wins from July. Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

Intro Music: “Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod


“Backup channel”:


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About the Author: MrMrMike1337


  1. I'm not someone who commit's animal cruelty or takes pleasure from the pain of animals, but I hate it when an animal get's away with it and love it when karma hits the animal hard

  2. 2:06 Might have looked funny, but that raccoon was almost certainly rabid. Jumping in the water would probably work, though, since rabid animals develop hydrophobia (a strong aversion to water).

  3. The short clip with the rapper that fell from the stage 5:08 was actually pretty serious. It was the rapper "Del the Funky Homosapien" who performed during a Gorillaz concert at Roskilde, Denmark, July 2018. He broke seven ribs and punctured one lung and "scratched" the other. Again, pretty serious.

  4. I honestly probably would have punched the person in the last clip in the back of the head if they kept trying to close that window for that long

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