Thriller Bark is awesome – One Piece Arc Reaction Vlog

Thriller Bark is awesome - One Piece Arc Reaction Vlog
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hriller Bark is awesome – One Piece Arc Reaction Vlog

#onepiece #luffy #thrillerbark

Reading One Piece manga for the very first time! One Piece by Eiichiro Oda is one of the most popular manga and anime series of all time and I am so excited to finally be reading One Piece by Eiichiro Oda. In this video I go over my reactions to the Thriller Bark Arc in One Piece as a first time reader. I will be discussing all of the Thriller Bark Arc with full spoilers. I hope you enjoy my One Piece reactions and will join me as I follow Luffy and crew onto the Grand Line!

In this video going over the Water 7 Arc I will be talking about the following characters:

Monkey D. Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Nico Robin
Bart Kuma
Dr Hogback

Jimmy’s book channel


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About the Author: Dudes Talking Manga


  1. If you haven’t yet, do yourself a favor and watch the scene of Brook and his old crew playing Binks no Sake. That song will etch itself into your soul forever

  2. I just want to say, I love your reviews because you report on individual chapters before finishing the entire story arc, letting us enjoy the journey you're experiencing while reading it.

  3. Love what you said about not wanting Brook to get pushed to the background. The dude is a King!!! Love Brook. Some of the best classic scenes in OP. I’d really recommend watching the anime for Brooks song/flashback and “nothing happened.” Definitely worth it.

  4. I love that "Nothing happened" in Thriller bark is a running gag in the One Piece community! It sets the expectations that Thriller bark is boring then it hits you with one of the hardest scene in the series! 😂

  5. Cualquier persona que sugiere saltarse cualquier saga de One Piece, es un hijo de puta. Y si sugieren saltarse por razones ajenas a la obra (por agenda, porque no les gusta Absalom y Sanji) son unos hijos de re mil putas.

    Anyone who suggests skipping any One Piece saga is a son of a bitch. And if they suggest skipping for reasons unrelated to the work (because of their agenda, because they don't like Absalom and Sanji) they are sons of one thousand bitches.

  6. My favorite arc until this current one. Mainly because I was very depressed at the time, and this arc had me laughing so much. And it made my mom interested in One Piece because of the Michael Jackson dance number in the anime. Then the Rumbar Pirates part pulled us close because we had just had a loss in out family. So it was perfect FOR US. 😊

  7. i feel bad for you reading into sanji so hard this arc, because we encourage you to read into things deeply and unfortunately, yes this was just a failure, and oda slipped with sanji mid arc here. It feels super out of character as hes been 80% gentleman and 20% perv to this point. ( i would argue most men are like 70/30 so ) but crossing a line is… there is a line and it was crossed here even tho he didn't do it. It's assumed that he would and that sucks

  8. The joke with Usopp and the running zombies was about the zombies, the undead menace that shouldn't feel any pain or ever get tired, not having any stamina. He wasn't referring to Nami and Chopper.

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