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About the Author: TOP 10 VDO


  1. That hunters a peace of shit, actually every hunter that uses dogs that I have ever met has been pure scum. One of them drowned an entire litter of puppies to get the mother dog to come out hunting with him again. Hunters who have no respect for animals are sickos.

  2. Some people are laughing at this like psychopaths, others making videos of animal deaths for entertainmentâ€Ļ and here I am, in tears feeling sorry for each of these fallen little souls.

  3. I live in a small valley in the Italian alps. When i was a kid almost every other year there was an accident involving climbers falling down the mountain. I remember two young German climbers that fell down the side of monte Disgrazia and got killed, they were taken to my village, i went to see them the moment they were brought down they were laid on a slab side by side, their clothes on but torn in many places and you could see large hematoma where the body hit rocks , one had a large hematoma a swollen knee, the face also presented with pools of collected blood and coagulated blood but no disfiguring on the body or face. I was 11 and seeing them there like two inanimate objects left a big impression on me that i always remember. They died so young and i never took up climbing in my life. Unfortunately more accidents in the coming years happened but never went to see dead bodies again, one time was enough for me.

  4. Am I tripping or do those dogs have collars? Someone is just straight up filming this happening to domesticated dogs? And wtf is that person even doing? This feels staged, and that’s horribleâ€Ļ people will do anything for views

  5. I can go on any gore site and watch humans die but I just can't deal with animals dying. (Also, I go on gore sites out of curiosity, not because I'm a psychopath.)

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