Play Warhammer 40,000 Tacticus today! https://play.tacticusgame.com/SeriousHistory
and use January’s code “HELLOJAN” to get 2,000 gold and 50 Blackstones Available until Feb 1st.
Play Warhammer 40,000 Tacticus today! https://play.tacticusgame.com/SeriousHistory
and use January’s code “HELLOJAN” to get 2,000 gold and 50 Blackstones Available until Feb 1st.
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Play Warhammer 40,000 Tacticus today! https://play.tacticusgame.com/SeriousHistory
and use January's code “HELLOJAN" to get 2,000 gold and 50 Blackstones Available until Feb 1st.
Bro…. I cannot BELIEVE that you left out the BEST most METAL part of the story!!
Seeing the Russians be competent in a combat setting is surreal lol.
What about the 300 spartan
Can u do a māori 1 plss
The soldier you didnt name is Yusuf the Serbian folker
This is my favorite YouTube channel please don’t stop posting or ever give up
If you ever do a 'Greatest Solo Last Stands In History' video you should definitely include John Chapman and Thomas Baker in it. Also maybe Roy Benavidez and Mike Day, those last 2 weren't technically solo though but they sort of were so anyway its worth looking into
I thought the 300 Spartans would be among here. Guess not.
This is the only history video I'm willing to watch
Your tank model pains me
I like a zombie Russian talking about a phone game for some reason
The second one should have a movie
One wounded soldier with gunpowder had to much aura
Thank you so much for these videos, God bless ❤❤
how did the russians survive the first occasion? its literally impossible
I love your vids they are so entertaining to watch 🫶🏼
So I did the math each seaik killed around 28 men before dying give or take
Hi can you give me some tips for my new YouTube Chanel its called (the story nerd) tsunami video thanks
Germans : if yall won't die THEN WE WON'T DIE
I absolutely love serious history, I need that merch asap
Slavic names give my american rotted brain a headache.
I never thought I'd say this… but let's go Russia!!!!
Osowiec is prunounced 'osovyets' ;p
There 2 more last stand battle during ww2 first in bukit kepong malaysia and battle of singapore… please do research about it
13:26 . Kesari an bollywood movie is inspired from this historic battle of sikh regiment
Tausug last stand at Sulu island's volcano crater vs American machine guns.
Their leader died crawling with blade in his mouth trying to reach the nearest wounded American soldier.
20:00 done watching
Ain’t no way he’s doing the fishing Finger 💀💀💀 6:51 6:51 6:51 6:51 6:51 6:51 6:51 6:51
The first last stand is COD Zombies.
Fun fact Poles took very important part in attack of the dead, amoung those who survived gas attacks many were drafted from Polish lands in vicinity of Osowiec also after death of lt Wladimir Kotlinski, Pole lt Władysław Strzemiński lead the attack to the end of the battle, after tge battle both of them got rewarded Cross of st George, during the war Strzemiński lost arm, leg and sight in one eye, after the war he lived in Poland as an artist
The russians are always immortal
4:21 im hearing some wh40k reference here then scroll down and see taticus on pinned 💀
The von Hindenburg name sounds familiar in 1:13 ? Were they related in any way to the last president of the Weimar Republic?
that first story also inspired my favorite sabaton song
4:21 nah bro there gaming 💀 i almost died of laughter when i saw it
The attack of the dead men was fucking insane
There's a song called attack of the dead men which is based to the real life zombie song ❤👍
the oseiweic fort part was that they used so much adrenaline that they came back.
What is it with all these copy-paste animations youtubers all of a sudden 😭
Why are there so many of you hacks popping up suddenly?
i love you
botted views?
Turmoil at the front Wilhelm's forces on the hunt
“The new town, the old town, and the citadel.”
Me (huge half life nerd): CITADEL!?
The college of young men in the Korean War, defending their school, would have been an honorable mention
4:24 lol love the 4th wall break