Insane Ways People Are Preparing for Doomsday And More Insane Videos (Compilation)

Insane Ways People Are Preparing for Doomsday And More Insane Videos (Compilation)
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0:00:00 Insane Ways People Are Preparing for Doomsday
0:19:48 Insane Killer Wave That Took Out an Oil Rig
0:39:23 Insane Underwater UFOs That Pose Major Threat for US Security
0:53:21 Insane Things that Used to Be Illegal
1:11:45 50 Insane Facts About Weed
1:39:54 Most Insane Booby Traps Used In War
2:09:22 50 Insane Facts About Dying
2:34:39 Insane Times the FBI Totally Failed
2:52:47 Insane Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to be True
3:20:45 Insane Ways Drug Smugglers Tried to Get Away With It

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All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.


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About the Author: The Infographics Show


  1. This is the type of information that needs to be shared. CEOs increase those costs, not workers asking for living wages. Based on this, I'd be happy to skip the fast food altogether. I don't buy it much to begin with.

  2. 16:41 as someone who lives in Florida I can verify this lol, there's not a lot of smart people here. Same thing happens when a hurricane is coming through so they buy 200 rolls of toilet paper, you know the essential survival tool.

  3. 16:42 That actually makes sense, the one historical constant no one likes to admit, and often rage against the idea (or outright censor) is throughout history authoritarians and dictators are most often considered to be from that countries "Progressive" party. In America, the Democrat Party are the Progressives.

  4. 2:45 so opidume or however it's said, either will have – A) incredibly outdated services; B) is not yet completed; and/or C) Not correctly appraised for worth. Since shelf life. Like either they would require compounding payments to regular upkeep since doomsday is not a firm date or take the "enough resources for a life time" price tag. I am pretty sure how depreciation works.

  5. I live 40 minutes away from the school bus bunker. That man is smart for making his bunker like me he understands that we would take a lot of fallout in this part of Ontario from the minuteman fields from a nuclear exchange.

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