Discord: https://discord.gg/shitpostshed
Intro Music: https://youtu.be/2AH8rsKWYW0?si=GfHaGMb30wWW4YlE
Outro Music: https://youtu.be/FKx1nmNa-j8?si=IrNpFIfK4li5MfTY
Videos for the clips used in intro edit in order:
And lastly…
Sauce: https://pin.it/4to3IadHF
27:12 name of game? Also I need game from 22:33
okay but fr tho, the videos of pc players bullying vr players on vrchat is really saddening. some people can get serious motion or sensory sickness through vr and pc players really just gonna cap on that and record themselves fucking with them??? ú_ù
27:36 up until 3 days ago this didn't apply to me. and almost all of the last bit just hurt, especially 27:21
Me: Boy, I sure love these shitpost status compilations-
(The thumbnail)
Me: Oh boy
27:52 Song name please?
Damn bro are you ok? The last 30 memes were pretty sad
2:45 using that next time the therian at my church starts acting up
25:58 should've said "your mom, your dad and your sister" tbh
intro and thumbnail had me excited
6:56 is raven team leader always this caked up?
What’s the name of the creator of the flash card thing at 0:51?
It's crazy how normal furries became.
(Not the ones with costumes in real life, those are still fckn weird)
This video is so good i clicked subtitles button😭😭😭
Wtf dude, i came here to laugh, not to feel depressed, im fed up with this shit in rl, i dont need sad memes in videos.
The ones at the end always hit hard. One of the reasons this is one of the best meme channels
That poor teacher, reasonable crash out.
Skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip ok we're cool let's watch some memes
3:05 that dogs been to heaven and traversed Dantes inferno and he''s still here.
I was not expecting to be hit with a freight train of positive reinforcement at the end. Thank you
That ending is the first thing to make me cry in ages
Edit, I cried myself to sleep last night because of that, genuinely. Thank you
2:52 HermitCraft reference in the last place I ever expected to see one. Very nice