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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. I have seen numerous videos of the rescue work done in Bali. It seems that there are very many abandoned and abused dogs in Bali. I have so much respect for the work this group and others, as well as tourists do in Bali to help these poor animals.

  2. What wonderful, wonderful stories. Thanks to all the great people who take care of all these dogs. Shame on the owners who did harm to all these animals. God be with all the animals. 💕

  3. I think my favorite one is Casey's story! All the little puppies are cute and playful. I'm glad that had an enormous change in their lives!! 😺

  4. Really breaks my heart but the balance, unfortunately, is good and evil exist. The universe has to have a balance and I'm glad my nature chooses good.

  5. Extreme ty so, so very, very much for rescuing all of these absolutely beautiful treasure angels. Hope that they all have a forever homes, with loads of love, health, safe and happiness.

    Extreme shame, cruel and inhumane thing to do to all animals. Laws and justice needs to be put in place, for all animals all over the world.

  6. Personas MARAVILLOSAS que dedican su tiempo, sus recursos y su vida a salvar a tantas criaturas en condiciones penosas… Que felicidad me da ver ese cambio físico y psicológico en ellos. Gracias❤

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