15 Scary Videos Caught in 4K

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Brace yourselves, horror hounds, to delve into a web of nightmares woven from the darkest corners of the internet. I’ve scoured the abyss, unearthing the most spine-chilling clips imaginable to put together the collection of creepy videos I bring you today! The inexplicable? The eerie? Those aren’t fictional concepts here. These are 15 scary videos caught in 4K! Hold on tight, for what you’re about to witness will send shivers skittering down your spine!

They say curiosity unalived the cat, but have you ever considered the internet might do the same to your sanity? What you’re about to watch isn’t your average scary comp. These are 15 nightmares ripped straight from the deepest recesses of the web. Forget a good night’s sleep — these creepy videos will have you questioning the very fabric of reality long after you’ve finished watching! Your mind might whisper reassurances, a feeble attempt to cling to normalcy. But all logic crumbles in the face of raw fear! Here, you’re about to step into your worst nightmare…

Be honest with yourself — does the thought of sleepless nights and gnawing paranoia send shivers down your spine? Or does it make you scoff like a seasoned horror veteran? Whatever the case, be aware that these scary videos are not for the easily frightened. Because things are about to get real spooky, real fast! But hey, if you think you’re horror royalty and can handle a good scare, by all means, proceed. Just prepare to have your confidence shattered quicker than a ghost in the midday sun. Seriously, no matter what, keep those lights on tonight — the shadows might seem a lot more menacing after a glimpse into this collection of creepy videos! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

These scary videos aren’t mere scares; they’re sinkholes for your psyche! Weeks later, the chills will still cling to you like cobwebs. Watching these creepy videos, you’ll be thrust into a terrifying tête-à-tête with your deepest fears! Brace yourself for unsettling truths dredged from the darkest corners of the world, ready to shatter your sense of reality and leave you questioning everything for months to come! Sleep? Don’t even think about it.

Admit it, a sliver of curiosity flickers within you. After all, you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t tempted by a glimpse into the forbidden. But before you dive in, heed this warning: these scary videos are not for the faint of heart! They’ll rip through your comfort zone, and propel you to a realm of sheer fear! After these creepy videos are done with you, the shadows will never seem quite the same, and a lifetime of nightmares will await.

There’s no judgment here. Hitting the back button is perfectly acceptable! For real, there is no shame in knowing your boundaries and staying within them. But if you fancy yourself a horror connoisseur, a fearless adventurer in the face of the unknown, then go right ahead and test your mettle with these scary videos! But proceed at your own peril. You have been cautioned…

Done watching? That’s great!
Which of these scary videos frightened the living daylights out of you the most? Let me know right
below in the comments!








Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Entry Timestamps:
0:00 Number 15
1:28 Number 14
2:35 Number 13
3:49 Number 12
6:07 Number 11
9:01 Number 10
10:21 Number 9
12:02 Number 8
13:21 Number 7
14:11 Number 6
16:12 Number 5
17:26 Number 4
18:15 Number 3
19:12 Number 2
20:18 Number 1


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About the Author: Chills


  1. Yknow its wei4d why people would honto haunted houses in the night time instead of the day time, makes me think they just wanna fo it for the views

  2. I̸̡̛̳͌̉͋͐͒̍'m̶̥͇͈̣̏͑̿͑̃̈͛̕͠ ️ş̵̛̳̍̃̏͆̏̂̎͌͘͝͝͝͝t̵̏͛̃̍́̈̚͜͝i̵̢̢̡͚̩̞̥͕̜̻̫̩̐̈͘͜l̷̢̨̨̫̼͙̞͉̗͉̖̲̖̞̿̉l̷̢̨̨̫̼͙̞͉̗͉̖̲̖̞̿̉ ️ṉ̵͓̬͈̞̥̭̥̇̓̔͋o̶̯͎̱͐̇͋̅̃̈́͋̽̊̀̓͊̃́͋̓t̵̏͛̃̍́̈̚͜͝ ️ş̵̛̳̍̃̏͆̏̂̎͌͘͝͝͝͝️c̸̛͕̯͂̐̓͗͊͛͝â̸̙͐͑̌̿͛̽ŕ̶̛̰̱̈́̀́̑̿̾͛͂̈́͗̓̈́̒͘͝️ẹ̷͓̺̰̽̍͛̉̐̔͋̓̚͜d̴̨̢̤̗̦͚̺̭̤͙̹̃̕ :D̸̢̮̫̰̥̗̘̱͉͙͙̺̫̏͒̅̌

  3. Fact or Faked debunked the San Antonio bus crossing many years ago.
    And fyi…if you've ever had a kid touch the back of your car with their grimey little fingers, and you throw powder on it, the fingerprints will show up.

  4. i think on number 12 vibes me thinking about it would sound like msm(mysinging monsters) colossals or titans sounds but not singing clearly just saying if that was possible 🤔

  5. 9:03 I've been to the trails as a kid and my dad put baby powder on the back of the truck. He even put the brakes on and didn't step on the brakes. So with me, my dad and sister in the truck, the ghosts kids still moved the truck and after that we all saw the handprints on the back of the truck.

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