Two-Legged Dog Has Cutest Reaction To His Foster Puppies | The Dodo

Two-Legged Dog Has Cutest Reaction To His Foster Puppies | The Dodo
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Nubby was born missing his two front legs and his parents didn’t know if he was going to make it.

He surprised everyone by becoming the most active, happy boy — and a foster dad to lots of puppies.

Keep up with Nubby @Loumarktexaslarge


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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. Thank You for your KINDNESS and COMPASSION and all you do for these PRECIOUS BEAUTIFUL SOULS. in making a Difference in their LIVES ❤NUBBY is an ADORABLY CUTE SOUL ❤ so PRECIOUS 🤗 🥰 I want to SMUSH him up with LOTS of HUGS and KISSES 😘🤗🥰😘🤗🥰😘🤗🥰🤗he is just so so PRECIOUS 🤗🥰😘🤗🥰😘🤗 have you tried prosthetics for the front legs??? I can't recall the doctor's name but I know he makes prosthetics for animals and humans ! Thank You Again for making a Difference in the LIVES of these Innocent Souls ❤❤❤❤

  2. What we see is handicaps always makes me understand that no matter the species whether it be anything you can think of or us that we can make it through any f**** thing all we got to do is have the right damn attitude

  3. Bruh my guy hilariously adorable incredible story keep spreadin joy dodo fr lol stay safe RIP Bernard Hill Jimmy Johnson pray for our world BLM God bless checkout the band The Main Squeeze

  4. Y’all act like you didn’t know that anybody born with a disability adapts to their body because (major spoiler alert) this is the only body they were given and giving up would literally mean death. If they were suddenly given an abled bodied body they wouldn’t know how to operate it. (Similar to if you were suddenly turned into a spider or superhero for example)

  5. Formidable preuve de compassion pour ce pittbull ce bébé est en plus tres beauilvest handicapé mais s'en sort très bien pas d'importance pour ce Monsieur il aime ce chien devenu grand il saute comme un
    Cabris ce pittbull est un amour de chien 🐶 merci pour cette adoption il est heureux ca ce voit et ses oreilles ne sont pas coupés ca cest formidable car cette pratique me rend folle de rage la queu idemce Monsieur pousse le bien être de son chienjusqua mettre des coussins pour l'aider a sauter de facon à ne pas se faire mal en escalier en plus et tous cela avec le sourire 😃 magnifique preuves de compassion il est très beau
    Les animaux comme les humains handicapés ont droit à la vie cest un peu triste mais ce chien ce débrouille super bien
    Je vous félicite 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🫶🫶🫶🫶👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👋👋👋👋

  6. Absolutely love this little guy & his parents who had the foresight to appreciate how special he really is! He is so adorably sweet & his parents so caring. Warms my heart. ❤🐶😍👍

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