CRYING Deer Stuck in Fence Rescued by GREAT Guy | The Dodo

CRYING Deer Stuck in Fence Rescued by GREAT Guy | The Dodo
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CRYING DEER Stuck in Fence Rescued by Great Guy | This deer got badly stuck in a fence — but the right person came along to help

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Credit:Daniel Barnes via JukinVideo (

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  1. I had to rescue a deer my way. She's never left my yard since. Brings her babies to live in the yard.3 yrs and she's still here everyday. Yes she's a YTer, Ms Piggy known by many.

  2. I really worry about that deers leg… when it first got caught it would surely have thrashed around and quite possibly done some damage :/

  3. Less than a year ago, my friend and I found a deer stuck atop a fence. As he jumped over the fence, his leg got caught at the top of two wires. We cut it, but unfortunately, he broke his hip and couldn't walk. A game warden was called in. He was very much alive but injured. In this video, I was happy to see the deer unharmed.

  4. Wonderful and great boost to your life karma. I would have calmed it and taken its weight off the leg and tried push up and release. Once the animal sensed you weren't a predator or going to hurt it, it would have been fine.

  5. Newest comments are with common sense, popular ones… Forget it. That's how we know majority is doomed. I mean frfr put your camera down and help the f deer I ve seen enough on internet, you not gonna impress me with this sh I don't need a perfect angle and no one should

  6. He took the time to carefully set up the camera. Really nice framing. That's how we know he's a GREAT guy. And what do you mean the right person "came along"? Did he damage someone else's fence?

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