Fist Pump Significance

Fist Pump Significance
Spread The Viralist

One of Mr. T.’s signature gestures is the fist pump. We’re told it is a signal to remain steadfast. The Universe was asked if there were additional insights or information related to the gesture. We got a surprising response.
Published April 29, 2024


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About the Author: Laura's View and Tarot, Too


  1. Please note, I do not ask for donations, although they are appreciated. I do not sponsor or endorse specific brands, products, or services. If you choose to give this channel a gift, please make sure you can afford it. If you can't, NO PROBLEM. Positive energy, love, prayers, and intentions are just as valuable. I will never charge you to view content I create. If you enjoy my content, make yourself at home. If not, move along and have a great life. Love and Light!

  2. Movie/plan looks more bogus as the days/months/ years fly by ….Wondering when/if anything will ever happen. Reaching trying to find a glimpse of something meaningful like a "fist bump" has gotten tiring …. not being negative, just real. A plan that didn't involve taking out the MSM towards the beginning isn't a good plan at all !

  3. Sorry but as a canadian having the worst pm ever it is getting very hard to see the end of this nightmare. We are not seeing any sign of WH here. And dont tell me its a movie and trudeau is fake, sure feel too real

  4. I will definitely pray for him. Does he see a psychiatrist? I’m bipolar and I struggled for a long time until I got a really good psychiatrist who put me on the right medication. I was able to work 14 years after my diagnosis. The right medication is very important. I know it’s a struggle. I’ll be sure and pray for you also. I know it’s very difficult to care for someone that is having mental issues. God bless you both.🙏🙏😇❤️❗️

  5. Great reading Laura!! I always thought the fist pump meant exactly what Q said. What a man is DJT!!! If the clone and the false flappy thing happens, we just have to be prepared because we know the truth.

  6. He is now calling them the "Biden" trials. It makes me wonder if these Trump trials arent providing cover for very REAL trials involving the Bidens going on in the background.

  7. I get chills thinking of him tweeting that famous tweet we still wait for! Wouldn’t it be cool if THAT tweet came from him to let us know he is fine after the false flappy thing!! 🎉

  8. Laura, what do the cards say about MAM turning to Christianity? The latest is Russel b.r.and. David Last name rhymes with “like”points out they are seeking the very religion that is behind the incredulous, evil, activities. 🩸

  9. Any use of clones concerning Mr. T in public, will certainly bring out to the public's eye the use of them. If you want to find out more about clones, watch the t.v. mini-series FRINGE.

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