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About the Author: ABC13 Houston


  1. Your people are so intelligent…… please keep them there though…… I don’t need any of this intelligence bred into my family genes 😂

  2. What a bunch of idiots. Have you ever heard of turn around don’t drown? It’s also pretty shitty how that second semi plowed through there making it worse for the flooded semi and that truck

  3. Did anyone help him after he climbed out of the window? How is that water only a couple of feet away from traffic passing by, So much deeper? It’s like he ran into quicksand.

  4. WHEN will people learn…….
    As for the people yelling "get out" i understand its more of a self-soothing reaction but ultimately its not helpful to that poor bugger, but he wouldn't have heard it over the water noise anyways.

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