Tekken 8: Lili Optimal Combo Compilation (Near Death Combo)

Tekken 8: Lili Optimal Combo Compilation (Near Death Combo)
Spread The Viralist

Lili high damage combos, hard difficult

edition by @NovaSeiken
Resplats combos inspired by @xnsio


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About the Author: Gabi Liukin


  1. Sou main lili desde o tekken 5 mas estava com dificuldade para combar no tekken 8 por conta das novas strings mas ajudou muito agora vou poder subir ela na rank sem problemas ❤

  2. Olá, sou novato no Tekken, vi Vc comentando no CanaI do Foloni, e pq Vc não faz Llves? Está fazendo muita falta nesse momento uma Lili BR de alto nível streamando.

  3. Beautiful combos! I’m still having trouble learning the dew glide cancels but I hope to be able to do combos as good as you soon! Also, give the song “Anomalie Bleue” by L'Impératrice a shot and if you do another one of these videos (which you should) I’d love for that to be the song!

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