Ice Climber Freezes to Death & Shown the Purpose of Life (Near-Death Experience)

Ice Climber Freezes to Death & Shown the Purpose of Life (Near-Death Experience)
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Peter Panagore shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring while ice climbing in the Canadian Rocky Mountains on the Icefields Parkway. Peter and his friend went on a day ice climbing expedition in the mountains and were trapped unexpectedly overnight. Peter froze to death and experienced the Divine Light on the Other Side. He was then sent back into his body and was able to descend the mountain to tell his story.

“Know that you can still find a way out… and that’s In” – Peter Panagore

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Where we explore the meaning and purpose of Near-Death Experiences in the modern age. We write about the intersection of spirituality, life-after death, comparative religion, philosophy, depth psychology, modern culture, and most of all how we can stay connected to the truth that Life doesn’t end when we die.

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  1. Hi, can you tell me if the intro song beginning at the 29 second mark is copyrighted? I would love to use it but don’t want to get a copyright strike. I tried looking the song up through Shazam and it’s not found.

  2. I’m always at awe and fascinated for every NDE story that I watched.It gives me so much comfort.My partner of over 2 years just passed last March 17, 2024 and I am grieving and crying everyday bcoz it’s not in my slightest idea that I will lose hum so suddenly.He was very healthy atleast that’s what I thought.But that day just before he passed there are weird things he said and done that gave goosebumps and a month before he passed he did a lot unusual things that we only realized it all during his wake.He was a Christian and i know that he knows his time on earth is up.We we're very happy during his last days.All of his requests i have fulfilled for him that is how much i love him!I know he is always with me.Thank you for sharing this wonderful story

  3. "knowing that you can still find a way out, and that's in.."

    i love his story and message , it's so good 😭 i love when he was shown all of humanity, and the voice said, all of them are beloved. 🤧

  4. Instead of seeking God you went after other gods from a human standpoint. In literature you sought other gods in sorry to inform you there is only one God and he say seek me first in other seek me only.

  5. So my question is if you see all the pain you caused and then you’re still forgiven and accepted and loved… does that mean that child molesters and rapists and animal torturers are all accepted and loved and just get to move on? That’s just not right

  6. This was the most profound and beautiful mde that I ever saw. He truly understood and felt the divine spark in his inner being,; the blessings that emanated through our his soul and the urge to seek it back. beautifully spoken and certainly beautifully received by all of us. ☀️

  7. I hate how 90% of these near death experience videos, are book writers. It kills a lot of credibility for me, because as authors it is in their interest to fabricate a story.. because it has monetary value to them, it’s paying them to tell us lies. Only believe those who are not profiting off telling us their story.

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