Small REASONS why Japan is AWESOME

Small REASONS  why Japan is AWESOME
Spread The Viralist

on this vlog I discover Small reasons why Japan is awesome!

#japan #vlog


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About the Author: Japan ON


  1. Although rn I’ve been seeing dirty portions especially popular areas because tourists don’t know the rules and etiquette of Japan and disrespect foreign countries social norms.

  2. even the local mob is more friendly in japan, lol i remember reading a story a dude wrote YEARS ago on some forum, about going to a train station, seeing a huge guy beat on another guy, apparently he found out from the police it was over borrowed money, but when he stepped in, the big man apologized for inconveniencing everyone, told the other man to pay back his loan, and left, it was like a scene out of yakuza, i dunno how true the story is, but i always found it interesting

  3. As a weeaboo who's also a wheelchair user, I wish someone would make a leghty video essay on accessibility in Japan, since I wish to travel there one day! ♿

  4. You know Japan has evil demons number 1 to 8 foot tall woman kidnapped a little boy that was just eight years old after he escaped, and the evil demon was one of the monks statue that broke and that’s why it’s so scary for it and not safe like that girl she she was the most beautiful woman in town. She didn’t like anybody after she married like one of the strongest soldier after she got tired of him after decided to cheat on him, after his friend told him the boy after when he got closer and closer the more familiar and looked, it was his house after he got inside after he saw his wife cheating on him after he got his katana after slicer mouth after killed her. After now she wears a mask after she Rome, Streets after she asks people am I pretty after when she takes of the mask she says, am I pretty again after when you say in fear yes she will just kill you because she knows when you say it like calm voice, saying yes, that means she’ll give you a blood stain Ruby

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