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About the Author: CNN


  1. {2024-2023}
    Uyghur Khaganate, Uyghuristan, East Turkestan, (Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region) I am from Turkey, China, leave them alone, do not assimilate the Turks, do not commit genocide ındependence Uyghur Turks news free state Uyguristan, Kırgızistan, ben Türkiyeliyim, Çin, bırakın onları, Türkleri asimile etmeyin, soykırım yapmayın yeni bağımsız Uygur Kağanlığı-Uyguristan [| Doğu Türkistan |] ülkemiz kurulsun özgürlük Çin Sömürgeci Yayılmacı İmparator Emperyalist devlet toprak bütünlüğüne saygı duymuyoruz tanımıyoruz taciz aştı kendini yardım help lütfen please,,,

  2. It’s just going to get worse. God is trying to wake people up. The earth is having birth pains. Repent of your sins and be saved. Jesus is on his way. Get raptured and don’t get left behind

  3. 0:29 CHINA, JAPAN AND TAIWAN? Taiwan isn't a country, is it? The place is called Republic of China. It's technically China. Wondering if CNN knows geography.

  4. Props to the techs who installed those big lights in that studio. This is why you cannot skip any safety clip, or redundant wire/strap when placing gear up high. One of those falling on you (in any studio/stage in a disaster) would certainly end or ruin your life.

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