Ghost detection app you shouldn’t try even once

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Ghost detector is an app for Android and iOS devices that helps you to detect the presence of ghosts. Now you can discover if you have ghost in your house.
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About the Author: XFix


  1. since I was 8 years old I have seen those ghosts everywhere rooming around day and night, they look like living people to me the only difference is that I can distinguish they are ghosts when they walk they won't do up and down movements they walk like traveling on the air and traversing everything no shadow and no reflection and most interesting is I saw deferent kind of ethics, races, and generations as per there clothing and aside from that there are 2 kinds of a ghost the normal people and the giants they are all harmless just don't communicate them and don't intervene their dimension it is so dangerous they will possess you if you try to communicate with them… 45years of my life living with a vision of invisible being the cinematic portrayal of a ghost on different media and movies is very far from the real thing…….

  2. I literally used that app, Because I heard someone walking at kitchen, when everyone was in my room, and that app showed, THAT THERE IS A GHOST!

  3. I have a ghost because fuse box was turned on four days in a row when I turned it off to save electric also I was groped two hands one on each the latest is it turned the cooker on with my mum even saying it is a ghost as it picked the hob with the pan

  4. Yeah that is fake the ghost is just from the simulator and all of them looks the same the difference is the age and the second thing he saw a evil ghost and it didnt attack him

  5. I used that same app, when I noticed my Cat, watching something unseen, walking through our home! After watching my Cat "tracking" something unseen, I installed the app and immediately saw the spirit that my Cat was watching, at that very moment!
    I also saw spirits passing through my yard, outside. A few minutes apart, most of them walked slowly and alone! Occasionally, a pair would pass by, maybe twice a day or so! They'd appear from the mountain above me and disappear, into the forest, on the lower end of the property!
    Occasionally, one would walk to the house and look in a Window and maybe one of a dozen lookers, would actually enter and explore! THAT, is what my Cat had been watching…. the Curious Dead!

  6. My childhood home is haunted I constantly get sleep paralysis an possession nightmares these things only happen in my childhood home no where else do I get them. I can also sense this spirit gives me bounds of bad luck.

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