Dana White on the Importance of GI in MMA Fights 😲👀 #ufc

Dana White on the Importance of GI in MMA Fights 😲👀 #ufc
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UFC president Dana White gives his take on Jiu Jitsu fighters fighting while wearing GI.

#danawhite #mmafighter #jiujitsu #roycegracie #georgestpierre


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About the Author: Athletics United


  1. Dana stfu u don’t train stop lying. U are just an investor in ufc. Plus no matter what people are wearing something even in no gi u wear a shirt and in real life I can grab that and hold onto u with it

  2. In Ireland we have another meaning for the word, although we spell it 'Gee', and it means Vajuju. Also you can insult someone by calling them a Geebag.

  3. I remember I said that to a BJJ gym owner once he put me in about 4 different choke holds with my own shirt I stopped talking shit about gi after that

  4. Every jiu jitsu gym in my area only offers gi. There isn’t a single location that offers no gi. There’s a couple mma gyms owned by ex ufc fighters that also do not offer no gi.

  5. I disagree. Gi is great at learning fundamentals and we always train with if the situation was without a gi. I think if you don't train with both gi and no gi in mind. You will be missing out on alot of opportunities. People at least 50 percent of the time have paints,sweaters or jackets on and sometimes more depending on were you live.
    For me I'm glad we still use gi because it's so good on learning the fundamentals. My opinion

  6. You should know both, if you are an mma fighter yes focus on no gi but a regular person should know both and has no reason not too, path of least resistance, if your attacker has a coat on maybe it’s winter you can throw them to the next dimension and if they don’t that’s okay you can still throw them to the next dimension

  7. If you train in a Gi and want it to be more applicable to chaotic surroundings. Focus should be on chokes and locks. But also you can collar choke someone in a regular coat or sweater.

  8. I have the same exact problem. My school has only 2-3 class a week with no gi and I can only make one. However as a beginner I think it’s really important because even though your in a gi you are learning and practicing many of the same concepts. Not to mention that in a gi you have to be much more technical and thoughtful in my experience because there is no slip factor and you cant torque/muscle your way out of a lot of things because of the grips. In my experience as a white belt I am 99% sure I am better out of the gi against people who are better than me than with the gi. I think you can use athleticism and strength better without the gi so I like training gi to improve my technical understanding. At the end of the day everything just takes a little modification. For example a Collar tie=lapel grab. But realistically no gi is probably a better way to go in terms of self defense because it applies to bodies not lapels. However, people do wear clothes that you can grab so it isn’t completely useless and unrealistic. You can execute throws on someone wearing a jacket hoodie or backpack. Obviously it’s not the better option but those are some examples of it’s usability. I’m no expert but those are just my thoughts so far on the matter.

  9. MMA is supposed to be the most accurate representation of fighting one on one with mostly skill, and in a real sitiuation most people don't wear dense clothes like a gi. so imo no gi much better and accurate

  10. In my opinion no Gi is better than gi,because I competed amature MMA and Gi is expensive I don't have money to buy a Gi and no gi is more accessible for starters and my poor friendsx

  11. I agree if its mma because gi can sometimes limit your movement especially with striking but for just normal jiu jitsu i find it to be better with gi because you can do so many more moves and submissions with a gi on.

  12. The main difference is if it's a street fight or in OK if it's in the octagon then it doesn't matter much but if it's a street fight for life then it matters because it has parts of clothing that can be used like the Gi

  13. Gi is good for situational training of course, not to put it down, but in a sensical fight with 2 experts, you shouldn’t make it easy enough for them to get submissions and transitions. Especially later in fights if the Gi gets unraveled, no one wants to wait for someone to fix/remove it.

  14. I completely agree. Only reason why I train gi is bc my gym does it for the majority of classes and I consider it the price of admission (on top of the actual price of admission)

  15. I disagree, I had a lot easier time trying out submissions with no GI on with just my sweaty tank top. With GI you have a lot more control and technicalities, with no GI you can just lie on top of your opponent if you're a big fella like I am.

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