Is Content Warning the NEW Lethal Company?

Is Content Warning the NEW Lethal Company?
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Content Warning is a brand new horror game where you play as content creators who need to record scary monsters and places to meet a view quota. Let’s venture into the old world and go viral!


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kai doesn’t have socials apparently

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#contentwarning #lethalcompany


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About the Author: minaxa


  1. I won't be harsh since it just got released and devs are constantly communicating with community to fix the known bugs and because I had a blast for 5 straight hours last night. Anyways I love the idea and I love how they revolved things around to not make just a copy of lethal company. I like how it's procedurally generated yet every room looks fresh (this is a minus on lethal company's behalf since me and my friends always got tired of rooms with same confined atmosphere), Secondly I like the amount of monsters in game and every one of them having different counter and attack mechanism. Even for release I think game has enough content, they just need to fix some annoying bugs like game kicking to lobby, getting stuck in black/loading screen, voices cutting off sometimes, boom mic not working properly etc. Other than that it's a great time with friends and even random folks, I hope devs don't do the same mistake as among us and lethal company.

  2. After playing it a bit, I think the game is great but needs some balancing. The monsters are too dangerous, many of them just kill you if they grab you. Give some counter play and let players keep their recording in case they want to save it. Some of my best runs ended with all of us dying and it would have been nice to keep the footage.

  3. Me, my brother, and a friend of ours got this game when it was available for free in steam and had a blast screaming our lungs off when seeing a monster lol

  4. Conceptually I think this game is a lot more interesting than Lethal Company personally – largely because this not only incentivizes you, but basically REQUIRES you to play around with the horrors. In LC the horrors are simply a present part of it, but aren't the players focus. I think this works far more for me in the horror vibe.

  5. I really wish to see more videos unregulated, scripted, but the way you actually talk. still have a shit ton of fun in every upload anyways

  6. If u die and don't get the camera back if u press f3 it'll pull up the last camera recording so you can still watch it

  7. the biggest thing holding the game back is sound effects and in general, effects.
    just monster roars would make the game so much better

  8. I played it with my friends a couple hours after it came out and it was one of the funniest multiplayer games ive ever played

  9. The Most fun thing in this game is when the guy with the Camera gehts separates from the group and yall Watch the footage you havent Seen before. Wish there would be at least to Cameras so you could seperate more often without it being boring for the non Camera guys

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