The Scariest Things Caught on Camera

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Do you like to be scared? Then buckle up for a terrifying ride! This video dives into the most chilling and downright petrifying footage ever captured on camera. From unexplained phenomena to hauntings caught live, we’re bringing you the real-life scares that will have you checking behind your back.

#Scary #CaughtOnCamera #Paranormal #Unexplained #Ghosts

**Warning:** This video contains extremely frightening content. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.


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About the Author: creepy cam


  1. The masked kid in the woods had that mask on that looked like one of the masked perpetrators in the movie The Strangers. So simple but so scary. The fact that the person just starts walking toward the kid without trying to run him down says how diabolical their mind is. The kid crawling out the window was breathtaking , I was on pins and needles. 😮

  2. Either teach your AI voice to speak normally or hire a human to read the awkwardly worded narrative. YT has been instructed to NOT recommend this channel. There are a dozen other good channels with the same content.

  3. The first lady that was killed by the lunatic in the cops get up was found. Her body was discovered in the room where she was to teach her class. They never caught that guy.

  4. Sorry, as much as I would like to watch, I can't do Artificial intelligence. It cannot pronounce words correctly. Give a human a job so we can actually spend our time listening to the scenario rather than trying to figure out what a computer is saying.

  5. Well I once managed to video-capture a real 'live' mouse once – staring at me in the dead of night, right before my very eyes! … So after I bravely buried my head deep beneath the covers, I just went back to bed … Try 'one-upping' that!

  6. "There's just no way of knowing what would have happened to that poor little kid if he hadn't been there." No way of knowing? NO WAY OF KNOWING? I can give you a hint. The little kid would be a splattered mess on the ground. That's what would happen. Gravity: An easy way of knowing. Are you daft?

  7. There was just no way of knowing what would have happened to the kid had the boy not caught her? Er, yes, I think there was. And how can the doors of the bank be "locked from the inside" if the woman just walks in? The robber was an idiot trying to push the door instead of pulling it. (We've all done it, just not after robbing a bank).

  8. Hardly the scariest things caught on camera. More like the dumbest criminals ever caught on camera. The resident that was verbally smashing the intruder had me in stitches. 😂😂😂😂

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