Wife has epic response when husband brings home a duck

Wife has epic response when husband brings home a duck
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Wife has epic response when husband brings home a duck

Check out this story: https://www.instagram.com/fidget_the_duck/
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About the Author: GeoBeats Animals


  1. When my older brother was a baby, my dad found an abandoned wolf cub while jogging in the mountains. Now, my dad knows a thing or two about wolves. They were something he researched when he was a kid, basically thinking they were cool after watching the movie 'Dances With Wolves'. The little guy was basically too young to be by himself and was by himself. It was around 2 months old and the only way a mother wolf is more than 15 feet from a cub that young, is if its abandoned. It was in the middle of winter in Montana and a blizzard had started. My dad had been about to head home when he heard the little guy crying behind a tree.

    So he scooped the little character up, stuffed him in his coat (at which point it stopped squirming. The little wolf had objected to being picked up by the strange hoomon until he went into the coat…well it was warm in there!) My dad took him back and introduced him to the cat.

    The wolf cub imprinted on the cat, he thought she was his mother. My dad says it was both hilarious and adorable because the wolf turned out to be a North American timber wolf (the largest type of wolf in the Americas) and he looked like something off a cover of a Natural Geographic magazine, but if that cat hissed at him. That wolf would straight up panic. If the cat was mad at him, the poor thing would whimper and start doing doggy submission routines to get back on her good side like, "Mom no! Don't be mad, I'm sorry!!"

  2. Back in the early 80s I did a tour in Korea. We were on a small compound in the middle of an, at the time small-ish town. Some how a duck decided to make D Troop his new home. I'll say him cause at the time there were no females in the Cavalry. Somebody ended up getting a kiddie pool for him which he loved. We would go down to the market and buy these small live eels and let them loose in the pool. He went wild for them!

  3. You guys completely rock and do not let that hubby of yours go! He's a keeper! That duck is adorable and thank you for sharing this video! XO

  4. YouTube thinks I'm not human because I won't give google my phone number, home address, and bank info, so it deletes my comments. Hey people of google, how about you give me all your employee numbers, home addresses, and bank account info!

  5. Great video and pet and all, but I just wonder if these pets are replacing family members in Western nations. Like does this couple have kids?

    Otherwise replacing real family members by animals and showering same love and affection on them can have long term consequences. Specially when you lot are being invaded on a daily basis by fighting age illegal migrants, a lot of them being radical Islamists.

  6. Very cute, but how do you control the poop? Are they trainable to go in one spot, or do they ask to be let out? That’d be a deal breaker if they’re like wild birds and just go wherever they happen to be at the time.

  7. We have also raised muscovies, they are a year old now and two flew away and the third one is now having babies under the porch as I write this . Great job being human

  8. As a kid I had 3 ducklings and raised them till they were grown and I let them go at a park with a lake and they loved it and I'll never forget how much joy they brought to my life.

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