Head on Train Crash Compilation 2021

Head on Train Crash Compilation 2021
Spread The Viralist

Compilation of head on train crashes.


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About the Author: Your Good Friend Joe


  1. Those last two engineers were brilliant-one jumped after throwing on all the brakes anticipating a bad crash, the other engineer-having already stopped-threw his train in full reverse to try and minimize the impact, instead preventing it altogether.

  2. Best part is it's not the train engineers fault. It's the track operator/managers fucking up the timing and misplacing trains on the tracks

  3. I will be scared if I HAVE almost crashed in to a other train and I'LL jump out and I don't care if I get hert I just don't want to ☠️😵

  4. Виновных надо сразу к смертной казни приговаривать!Так как из-за ихней халатности столько людей гибнет!

  5. Um trem colidir com outro de frente eh uma das coisas mais ridiculas que eu consigo imaginar, sao trilhos de rotas simples operados por poucas empresas, eh pura negligência deixar isso acomtecer.

  6. Every crash means a star is born, stars are formed by cars. When a crash occures, a car collides and shapes the whole universe.

    Do you want to shape the whole universe with your car?- yes you can't!! 🌍

  7. I'm a train traffic controller and this video should be in every training for new controllers to never forget, that what we do, is not a computer game!

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