Another abandoned dog by his owner. Why is this happening?? 😓

Another abandoned dog by his owner. Why is this happening?? 😓
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I just don’t understand it – leaving your dog confused, alone, and having to fend for himself is just NOT OK! Luckily, Abraham knew to contact #HopeForPaws for help, and Katie McKittrick and Idan Riek rushed to get him. The rescue was easy because Meatball loves meatballs ☺️

To apply to adopt this special boy, please contact our friends at The Little Red Dog:

He reminds me of Hermione from one of the most special Hope For Paws rescue videos EVER: (Over 10 MILLION VIEWS on this video – WOW!)

Please join the Hope For Paws team with a small donation here: – we need to grow our team so we can save more lives – I will update you very soon on something really exciting!!

Thank you so much!



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  1. I was inspired by Hope For Paws. My Dog (my last dog) died in August. I swore no more dogs. Then in about January 2024, I started to see a skeletol little black and tan Chihuaha Terrier Mix. I started to feed him– not every day. We looked around for the owner. This dog had very stong bones showing due to starvation. A neighbor caught him, and then because he had 3 dogs mentioned him to us, and begged us to take him (they were expecting a baby). He is now our dog. We also have a Shepard mix who was abandoned, and a kitty I found nearly dead and frozen in the road on a winter's day. We did find the original owner. He said he did not care about the dog. So we now have our crazy Chi-terrier boi.

  2. It's a rhetorical question. I thought you were going to suggest a reason.
    I think huge swathes of people are financially insecure, on an unprecedented scale. Evictions, hunger, homelessness at record levels. It takes commitment and dedication to care for a pet when a people struggle to meet their own basic needs. That's my guess.

  3. Abandoning a pet is a terrible thing, for sure. But how do we know he was abandoned & not a runaway (he seems to friendly to have been born feral)?

  4. If you can't keep your pet for ANY REASON contact a rescue group or even a shelter, much better than
    them getting hit by a car or attacked by a person or another animal.

  5. Thank you for all your great efforts. I beg you abandon the new name. I am sorry but it is the ugliest thing one can call a dog, a dish name. He deserves much better. ❤

  6. What a gorgeous dog! I love his color and that face! Those ears are one in a million with that sassy tilt. Handsome Meatball. He looks young to me. How can people do that? If he were mine, I'd be heartbroken to even THINK of parting with him. People are morons.

  7. C est inadmissible comment peut t on faire les gens sont vraiment cons c est pas possible c est pas des objets c est des être humains bordel faut le dire combien de fois c est honteux et lamentable j espère qu il vont le payer très cher je lui souhaite tout le bonheur du monde à ce beau toutou je lui fais de gros bisous ❤❤❤

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