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About the Author: Keefrica


  1. Have you ever thought that a percussion, explosive dissipating the Air column would simply make that thing go back up into the air Possibly saving billions of dollars hundreds of deaths and a great loss of property and perhaps this is even possible but I don’t think anybody’s ever tried it an explosive device without fragmentation something to think about

  2. One of the tornados hit my trailer park and some ladies trailer down the road got obliterated. Only an EF1 but still, not to be taken lightly

  3. The one thing I don't understand and I will never understand why do people continue moving back and continue living in these places and you lose your house every time you lose your property eventually you may lose your life what is the point why do you return to this God forsaken place??

  4. They said, about 10 tornadoes between a 35 mile stretch. I was in the middle of that stretch, and didn't get anything in our city. This tornado, was from a cell that ended up hitting the Indian Lake area(Lakeview, Ohio).

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