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About the Author: Nick Kratka


  1. Why are you why is your why do you go to a place but there's a mom there why funny minion real mom I probably know because I smashed on her😅😅😅😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. i’m not the most coordinated but my dad and brother took me out snowboarding and i picked it up much faster on stuff that’s a little bit steeper it’s a lot more easy to slide oddly and catch an edge when your trying to stand flat

  3. I have asthma and yestday I was breck and I hit my frist 180 Indy grab and was super happy and I’m 12 btw and can’t wait to keep shredding

  4. The blue one isn't a steroid.
    If you take the beige one regularly at a moderate dose, you will never get "bad asthma". At least you have great fresh air in Colorado. Living in London is a problem from pollution, not the cold.

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