These Top 10 Ghost Videos Are Actually Amazing

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#scary #footage #ghosts
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That a look at these amazing paranormal videos and tell me if you thunk that they are real or fake. No matter what you think, they will still make you freak right out because they are truly very scary.
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About the Author: Caspersight


  1. What's happening Casper ya mad man is love to crack a few beers and watch all ur YouTube channel its awesome ur mad and before the whole fucken planet goes nuts and I become a once again drug attic sounds fun eh mate

  2. 😂Ben in the video when the man was talking to an invisible being in his office work place, the narrator use the word " Dap him off", it means the two guys were giving each other a high five or handshake.. type of greeting or acknowledgement

  3. Why are people not getting that ghosts, shawdow people, entities etc are very real, and when you use a camera it picks up stuff your naked eye can't normally pick up, that's due to our eyes can only see a very small part of the light spectrum. Use a infrared camera and take a walk around and take a closer look, you will see stuff that "isn't there".

    This is very normal and part of this physical reality, and again, why are people so shortsighted to think this isn't real? When it is ALL REAL! Except the fake videos ofc that simulate stuff, other than that reality is a cool place to be and there is a lot going on beyond the light spectrum of our eyes. That's where our senses come in where fear and disspear is food for many entities, like the one fellow becoming possessed is due to his fear totally overcoming him.

  4. Dapped means hand greeting or a fist bump.Its a slang mostly brown people use.The picture didn’t turn dark.
    It turned…it’s freaky deaky face mate!Zoom in and watch it again an again until it hit you in the face mon!The face turned and look at her or the door.I can’t tell which but it definitely moved its face mon!Wow,finally a real one mate!…The guard saw a ghost.Two transparent legs walked to the chair after the guard dapped the spirit up.

  5. Again I'm hearing 3 knocks that's a demon insulting the trinity meaning in he name of the father knock ,the son knock ,and the holy spirit knock it's taking the piss out of god and your telling your woman to go to bed and she will be safe it's demon buddy I really hope you are safe but I know these things

  6. I believe that Indian dude. There is something demonic attached to him and his family. The knocks of three, the demonic activity occurring around 3:00am, and the fact that he went into that trance while saying the St. Michael prayer.

    Catholics frequently turn to St. Michael for protection and guidance. The "Prayer to Saint Michael" specifically implores his defense against the forces of darkness. St. Michael's role as a defender of faith and a warrior against evil is most vividly portrayed in the New Testament, particularly in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 12:7-12). Here, he engages in a cosmic battle against Satan, casting the adversary out of heaven and preventing him from accusing humanity before God.

    May the prayer of Saint Michael be a constant supplication in our lives, reminding us of the need for spiritual defense and protection. Let us seek his guidance and assistance, trusting in his power and presence to safeguard us from harm. Here is the prayer for anyone who needs it…

    St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the divine power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

  7. The balcony ghost att 22 min something. The camera is shaking at the same times as the poundings … Meaning he's doing them himself 😅

  8. 8:02 I think someone was in the kitchen behind the wall using laser pointer and ducked back quickly and the cat ran in there. If you slow it down, it looks like something retracts behind the wall near the floor. It could be a ghost… or it could be a hoax. The cut could have been when the cat started jumping around to catch the laser.

  9. 23:22 🆘️ Ben os estádios feitos para o mundial de futebol foram um escândalo aqui em França porque tinha empresas francesas a fazer as construções onde as condições eram deploráveis e dizem que morreram milhares de pessoas não francesas eram todas de outras origens e mesmo locais por isso acredito 100% neste vídeo 😢

  10. 20:24 🆘️ Ben pouca gente sabe e quem sabe não faz de conta de não querer saber mas no Dubai muita gente centenas para não dizer milhares de pessoas morreram e morrem na construção civil por isso não me admira nada que haja bastante atividade paranormal dizem mesmo que são enterradas mesmo nas fundações e pilares das próprias construções tudo isso porque as pessoas são escravizadas ao máximo para construir em tempo recorde sem condições 🆘️
    ✌️paz e amor

  11. 8:06 🆘️ Ben existe velas assim a minha irmã têm é de bateria dá para ligar e desligar a distância sinceramente acho que este personagem só quer aparecer não existe nada de paranormal ali só o bigode dele😂😂😂😂😂

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