Pushed down there with a blanket, the frozen dog cried loudly when he was saved

Pushed down there with a blanket, the frozen dog cried loudly when he was saved
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While looking for his lost dog, a man saw a dog in a snow hole, he contacted us to come help get the dog, at that time the dog could not move and people asked him many questions.
We took him to two hospitals to look for miracles and in the end we created amazing miracles that even we couldn’t believe.

👉 Rescuer: Svetlana
🤝 Support at Sberbank: 2202 2023 0735 8139
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About the Author: Animal Shelter


  1. There is so much evil in this world now. I can't believe how hateful and hurtful people have become. Thank God that he is still here with us, providing for the injured and sick through angels like you. Peace and blessings to you. Thank you for helping Bely. He is so worth it.

  2. Demons, that's who and does the unthinkable and never understand why KARMA comes full circle, if not you u but your kids or kids kids…… GOD bless you and may GOD continue to bless you all in JESUS name…. AMENNNNN Always know and remember, GOD never gives up on us and gives us plenty of chances and forgiveness through all of our actions and disobedience….. Amennnnnnn

  3. OMG, GOD BLESS YOU, GOD BLESS YOU, THANK YOU.i pray these people suffer HELL ON EARTH & in thereafter life for such hands criminal abuse.

  4. Muito obrigada a todos que resgataram e trataram deste lindo e amoroso cachorrinho , eles merecem de tudo amor carinho e respeito , fico feliz por ser resgatado por gente de bom coração desejo a todos incluindo o cachorrinho muitas felicidades com um grande abraço de Portugal

  5. God bless you all thank you so very much for rescuing this adorable puppy he's beautiful. I can't believe somebody could do that to a poor puppy. You all are angels and heroes and this dog will probably ever never ever ever give you trouble he'll be so happy for being rescued and loved and cared for God bless you all. May his light shine down upon you each and every day from this day forward God bless you😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  6. The owner is so leaving this poor under the snow. I hope God will punish this evil owner. Thank you Lord he is getting better. Soon he will get health his health back !

  7. Just curious why you put one of those obnoxious Cones on him? What purpose does it serve if he doesnt move …@ all?
    Not trying to sound rude, I am genuinely curious..
    But admittedly, I find those cones to be absurd & complete overkill..It also tends to make both Dogs & Cats especially in Unfamiliar surroundings & with Unfamiliar people to be more Timid and Fearful…
    They are Bulky limit a dogs peripheral vision along with Distorting sounds mhich is magnified by their exceptional Hearing…..
    They do make newer much better & more comfortable alternatives…
    Its kinda sad that here we are in 2024, where we have the capability to travel into space, send remote controlled Rovers to explore other planets. Design manned Submersible to travel almost
    almost "36,000 FEET to the Ocean floor….

    But we still use oil funnels for these special Creatures

  8. Human beings are so worst that when you know you have seen it all they will surprise you with another petty deed and the new low. i am sad but not surprised.

  9. What a lovely dog ❤ Its frightening to think what kind of people exist in this World that think treating animals in this way is ok😮 God Bless the rescuers ❤

  10. ❤❤❤❤ gracias gente bonita x estar en ese momento para rescatarlo espero q pronto tenga una familia q lo cuide y lo ame.♥️♥️♥️🐕🐕🐕🐕🌹🌹🌹🌹👍👍👍👍😇😇😇

  11. Do you realize just how many useless pieces of s__t humans are in this world. Humans are the most useless things on earth. And there a lot of them

  12. Unfortunately there are some very sick and evil people who walk among us 😒 I hope there is a special place in hell for whoever did that to an innocent helpless dog…that is so cold it boils my blood 🤬 Thank God there are good people on this earth as well who dedicate the time, energy, and resources to right this wrong…there are angels 👼 among us 🙏 thank you for all you do…for you there is a special place in heaven!

  13. Pelos Animais. Que o Senhor socorra a todos os Animais que estão sofrendo. Converta o coração dos homens que maltratam os Animais, os fazem Cativos, os torturam brutalmente e os matam cruelmente. Nós imploramos por eles, cuja voz ninguém escuta, nem respeita. Vinde Senhor Deus, e Ide em socorro dos Animais. O Senhor nos deu a Vida e a Voz, para o louvarmos, bendizermos e para defendermos e levantarmos clamores em favor desses Inocentes. A vós clamamos ó Pai, por Cristo Senhor Nosso, Amém!

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