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About the Author: bodisafa7


  1. Are there really cultures who find the fake dropping and breaking of a ceramic jar of water funny? I keep seeing this and wonder each time.

  2. Why do people think their feelings matter. Why do they also think they have a right to know what people are doing. Mind your business and go about your day. If people were to stop and think about all of their images that are taken without our knowledge by business and governments local and other they would be even more upset.

  3. 8:17 Quote "did not complete video because you keep add these 2 fools in them… they destroy so much just for make videos of "accidents" it is just stupid.. they do not deserve a spot any clip.

    suggest everyone stop clip every time these 2 guys shows up… much money from youtube then"

  4. 8:15 did not complete video because you keep add these 2 fools in them… they destroy so much just for make videos of "accidents" it is just stupid.. they do not deserve a spot on any clip.
    suggest everyone stop clip every time these 2 guys shows up… much money from youtube then ..

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