Exposing Real vs Fake Ghost Videos Online…

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  1. Yo Sherman, like in the middle of the vid it looks like this raining. Is the camera outside? Or is it inside..? Because I'm like confused it looks like there is rain falling in the middle of the vid.

  2. i do believe young children can see ghosts/spirits etc, i believe this because I experienced it first hand. when I was around 2-3 years old i was staying at my grandparents house with my cousin. my cousin and grandma went to bed and i stayed up with my grandpa. we were watching tv in in their living room whenever i had saw someone i had never met before sitting in their dining room. so i had asked my grandpa who was sitting by the dining table, and he obviously looked to check if someone was in their house. he saw nobody ofc and he asked me what the person looked like, so i described the man I saw. my grandpa thought that sounded awfully close to HIS dad, my great grandpa who had died a few years before hand. it had made since because my great grandpa built the house and lived in it up until he died. my family has a lot of crazy paranormal experiences, including finding something that can possibly tell the future? my dad took it away from our house cause we dont know what we were communicating with.

  3. The first story I’m pretty sure is not true since I once saw a short of one of those exact ring camera clips and the mother pranked her daughter by speaking in the ring camera, making her daughter run out the room.

  4. So I live in an apartment and for kids at like the bottom floor they have made a playground for kids and where he said that the clothes were the same shade part in the security cam part there is also a TV which shows the cameras of every place a camera is and there is also one in the play ground so my friend matched the tone of the camera bc the lights in there have to be turned on so I could not see him

  5. 😢😢😢😢😢I had ghost 2 days ago i was crying really upset nobody was home then I heard ghost said what happened 😳😳😳I was sooo scard I had to grab knife 😂😂😂that's how scared I was😂😂😂😂😂

  6. I’m not a hater at all I love your vids I’ve been around since then haunted tunnel videos with rug but she could of put a different sound track over track original vid and something els fell and scared the little girl or she heard something she didn’t like and ran to her mom

  7. Almost for ever watched you guys since I was five it won’t show me for 5 years but ver since last week my lights are flickering and my garage I hear footsteps

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