The Oldest Discoveries from Season 11 | Unearthed | Science Channel

The Oldest Discoveries from Season 11 | Unearthed | Science Channel
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Embark on a journey through time and history as we explore the oldest discoveries from season 11. From the forgotten empire of Palmyra, the enigmatic tomb of Alexander the Great, the submerged ruins of the sunken city of Helike, and the mysteries of the ancient sphinxes.

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The Oldest Discoveries from Season 11 | Unearthed | Science Channel


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  1. In the Middle East, such as in Egypt and Syria and other parts of the East, people may be poor but we have to accept that through them we know many things that European countries have, practically their constructions are applied today as in the USA and Europe, they are the same constructions taken From the Middle East, their architecture is unmatched and replaceable because even in our times it is the same. Europeans cannot say that they invented the buildings because that is not the case. The Easterners were already ahead of their time. Even their ruins do not compare to those of the Europeans. of these times

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