UNEXPLAINED | Ghost Footage Captured Weird Shadow Person? I Xbox One Kinect CREEPY DISTURBING

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Explanation and Proof here: https://youtu.be/N541rHcZtjc

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#Unexplained #Ghost #KinectGhost

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  1. The blinds look like they have been altered , The video looks like its been cliped or something this seems to be a fabrication.
    I have actually seen things like this for real. But this doesn't seem genuine

  2. It’s possible the footage is real but he definitely did this two different nights one was at night time and the other one was during the day and obviously his phone isn’t even lined up the same way it is when he captures the entity. Open your fkn eyes people! But good video besides the fact he ruined it trying to mesh two days together

    It ruined the authenticity of it but nonetheless nice capture

  3. We had the Kinect at my aunt's house and it was just a little bit dusty during the day time the dust would hit the Shadow I made in the room and make this exact silhouette I'm almost certain it's fake because of how many times I've done it and also I'm not trying to disprove ghost because I'm an ass I'm trying to disprove them because I am very afraid

  4. Another comment got me thinking. After responding to him, I wondered if anyone else would have an opinion, so I’m posting again. FYI, it’s a lengthy comment, but to those who are intelligent, knowledgeable, or just plain interested… they’ll take the time to read and not criticize for its length. Maybe they’ll have an possible answer.
    I’m a scientist- Field Biologist/Zoologist.
    I think this vid is legit. He captured a shadow man. Which means a shadow is NOT just a shadow. There has to be more to its paranormal makeup in order for Kinect to recognize it. Holy shit! If it realized it was spotted…. it has a thought process! Sure, but that would require a brain! Then, upon realization of being spotted, it clearly moved or disappeared. (Disappeared, but remained there! We were just unable to see it. Neither was Kinect. Did the entity change its…idk? frequency or molecular structure so to remain there undetected? Or did it do as it appeared and walk away? Either way, it has to have a brain to make that choice. Obviously I know it doesn’t in the physical biological sense we do.
    Of course! It’s not of this world. It has capabilities we can’t even begin to comprehend. No matter how basic or simple it’s capabilities are… they’re still unimaginable.
    While I’m skeptical as a scientific person, I’m a believer as well. E=mc^2 (Energy can not be created or destroyed… Law of Relativity) is my scientific explanation for the existence of ghosts. Well…Einstein’s. His theory is true. It is fact. Undebatable!
    In other words, our energy does 100% INDEED EXIST AFTER DEATH. Part of each and everyone of us ABSOLUTELY REMAINS ON THIS EARTH ONCE OUR BODIES DIE. But in what form? And how big of a part does our energy play in who we are. What does that energy become….Ghosts? It’s plausible. That’s all fine. It explains the remaining existence of our energy after death.
    However, it doesn’t explain how that energy can stay contained, regroup into ONE entity rather than disperse…and take on the appearance of a human. Unless the molecules have some sort of muscle memory or specific attraction to each other they take on the form they’ve always existed as? Still… HOW DOES IT RECOGNIZE, PROCESS, MAKE DECISIONS AND ACT UPON THEM? Perhaps that’s why they have such difficulty communicating with us. Theyre only able to feed manage a few cryptic words, an appearance, a push on a door, a gust of air, a light tap. There’s just not enough left of them than their energy. Then their are so many different types of ghosts. I have a shadow person living in my home. He does nothing but scares me because he’s there and idk why how or what it’s capable of. He’s definitely SELF AWARE… & aware of me as well. Idk? Now I’m going to be up all night thinking.

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