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About the Author: Pawsitive Journeys


  1. It's apparent that the man isn't very fond of pets; he avoids direct physical contact with the dog and finds bathing them troublesome, only washing half of the dog's body. However, he truly has a compassionate heart and hasn't given up on a life.❤

  2. Any amount of time he spent sitting there filming a dog clearly in excruciating pain, fighting for its life, and not actually help it, is absolutely disgusting.

  3. ペット嫌いな貴方は最悪です、誰かに相談するとか、何か方法はあったはず!寒い中に、一時的とは言え、外にだすとは😢早く、ペット好きな方を探して下さい、😫😫😰

  4. 이런 구조 영상 올려서 조회수를 올리지 마세요.조용히 구조해 주세요.조회수를 올리려고 일부러  굶기거나 다치게하고 이런 영상 찍어 올리는 사람 생길까봐 걱정입니다.

  5. 保護してた方も別れる時寂しかったと思うけど犬もすごく寂しそうに見てた、、涙が出てくる😢2日間でも犬にとっては主人になってるから寂しいよな、、

  6. People purposely situate these video recorded "rescue" events, without regard for the life of the animal that they are supposedly saving…. Im Done with these rescue videos

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