Man killed in dog attack may have been breeding pit bulls

Man killed in dog attack may have been breeding pit bulls
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A 35-year-old man, who may have been breeding pit bulls, was found mauled to death Friday morning in the backyard of his Compton home.

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  1. These dogs are not actually of the breed of the American Pitbull Terrier. These dogs are Blue Bullies. As in most cases, these so-called "pitbulls" are ABPT crossbreeds. The APBT scores in the top 3 for Temperment tests. The problem is in fact due to crossbreeding. These hybrid crosses, known as Bullies, and Pitties, lose the sound temperment of the APBT and create (usually) bigger dogs with the power of the APBT and questionable temperments. Please see the American Pitbull Terrier Conformation Breed Standard by the American Dog Breeders Association to know what makes for a dog to qualify as an APBT before labeling the hundreds of questionable crossbreeds labeled as "pitbulls" in these news reports. What makes for "good copy" and "gets views" isn't always the factual truth. There is no such thing as a Blue Pitbull. These big ol fat dogs is Bullies.

  2. The lady at the end says what I was thinking: “they could’ve hurt one of us or one of these kids walking home from school”…. YES! 🙌🏽😮😱. That is what usually happens! She is so right and also yes, that would be a horrific way to die – being eaten alive.

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