Horrifying Moments! How Ukrainian FPV Drones Are Taking Out Russian Main Battle Tanks

Horrifying Moments! How Ukrainian FPV Drones Are Taking Out Russian Main Battle Tanks
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In this episode, we’ll delve into the innovative tactics and technologies that have enabled Ukrainian forces to effectively neutralize Russian military assets using FPV drones.

The FPV drones, also known as first-person-view drones, provide a unique perspective by transmitting live video feed directly to the operator’s goggles or screen, allowing for real-time aerial reconnaissance and targeting.

NOTE: Thumbnails are just illustrations


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About the Author: US Military News


  1. Je soutiens et souhaite de tout cœur,que la Russie gagne la guerre, contre l'Ukraine.
    Pour la bonne raison.
    Que l'Union européenne fera tout pour chercher la merde
    En implantant l'OTAN en Ukraine pour en faire une grande base militaire américaine. Voilà la réalité aujourd'hui.
    Il est grand temps que la Russie passe a une vitesse supérieure .
    Oui je pense que l'Union européenne veulent envoyé
    Des soldats sur le Sol ukrainien au couleur de l'Ukraine pour tromper la Russie

  2. Странно то, что на видео на YouTube украинцы взрывают много дронов-смертников, на самом деле Россия захватывает земли, а Китай зарабатывает на продаже дронов.

  3. Слабым местом ракеты РПГ 7 является сетка.Когда вы поставите сетку вокруг башни танка, в Ираке она не будет иметь никакого эффекта.Когда террористы атаковали танк, танк не пострадал из-за наличия железная сеть, которую ракета не сможет пробить и разорвать.

  4. no one can figure out whose copter shots these are anymore. Ukraine and Russia have a lot of copters. Every day, two sides post videos and footage from the video. It remains only to mount and show. I've seen the same videos. And each of the warring parties said that these videos were theirs.

  5. ❤❤❤Do you want to know the truth? So that's it! Ukraine and Russia used to be one state, for example, as in America, it is America itself and the state of Texas. Imagine the situation: Russia came to the state of Texas, achieved its independence, put its own people, set up chemical laboratories, brought weapons, trained and turned the people of Texas against Washington! How do you like it, and how would the Aerican leadership like it? It's the same now, only in Ukraine. What is the USA doing there?

  6. So many victories in the video! But why does the territory of Ukraine continue to shrink? And its soldiers are retreating everywhere and an endless stream of coffins is coming to their homeland?

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