DUBAI Battered! Natural Disasters, Crazy Flooding & Thunderstorm Hit UAE, Airport Flooded

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DUBAI Battered! Natural Disasters, Crazy Flooding & Thunderstorm Hit UAE, Airport Flooded

On a fateful Friday, January 17th, Dubai experienced an extraordinary natural disasters, a severe flood brought by relentless heavy rains.
This natural disasters, a rare occurrence in the desert city, disrupted daily life and triggered an emergency situation.
Amidst this natural disasters, safety alerts were imperative for motorists as floodwaters rose menacingly.
The natural disasters transformed Dubai, known for its arid climes, into an unrecognizable landscape with vast expanses of water.
Streets became rivers, and cars were submerged, marking the severity of this natural disasters.
Power outages and flooded stores added to the chaos, as residents and staff grappled with the challenges posed by this natural disasters.
Educational institutions shut down due to this natural disasters, and pedestrian movement became a Herculean task.
Vehicles with low clearance stood no chance against the deep waters of this natural disasters.
Yet, amidst the hardship, this natural disasters brought a silver lining – the rain was a blessing for the parched land, crucial for balancing the natural environment.
The forecast predicted the continuation of this natural disasters, promising a transformation of Dubai’s typically dry landscape.
In light of this natural disasters, residents were advised to limit road travel, staying indoors to avoid the perils of this unexpected natural disasters.
This natural disasters, while challenging, was a poignant reminder of nature’s unpredictable force and the importance of preparedness.

► Check out some other videos!
• Previous Episode:

Watch our “100 Most Terrifying Moments of Natural Disasters | Floods Wash Away Houses, Cars, Road Destroyed”
Video here:

Watch our “Germany & Italy Now: Heavy Rain, Strong Wind, Caused Terrible Flooding In Cities | Natural Disasters”
Video here:

Watch our “US, UK, SPAIN is sinking! STORM / MONSTER Flash Flood & Hit Houses, Cars | Natural Disasters”
Video here:

00:00 – natural disasters
00:22 – uae floods
02:50 – uae rain
04:44 – rain in dubai
07:38 – dubai flood
10:53 – oman storm
13:23 – oman floods
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This Video researched by: Josue Anderson
Address: 2792 Raynor Valleys East Oriemouth, NM 58525
Geographic coordinates: 72.429565,16.739203
Mother’s maiden name: Mann
Date 1958-10-15
Age 64 years old
WIN TV does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
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Copyright Music By:
Adrev for a 3rd Party
and other artists
Background music is used in the video by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under the Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 License.…


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About the Author: WIN TV


  1. DUBAI Battered! Natural Disasters, Crazy Flooding & Thunderstorm Hit UAE, Airport Flooded

    ► Check out some other videos!

    • Previous Episode:

    Watch our “100 Most Terrifying Moments of Natural Disasters | Floods Wash Away Houses, Cars, Road Destroyed”

    Video here:

    Watch our “Germany & Italy Now: Heavy Rain, Strong Wind, Caused Terrible Flooding In Cities | Natural Disasters”

    Video here:

    Watch our “US, UK, SPAIN is sinking! STORM / MONSTER Flash Flood & Hit Houses, Cars | Natural Disasters”

    Video here:

  2. I'll believe the Bible any day… Jesus said that the last days will be critical and difficult in every aspect… Wars lawlessness food shortages diseases. Thank you Jehovah soon paradise on earth will be restored.. Psalms 37 verses 9 10 and 11 and 29

  3. A rain without season is disaster to ur iman celebrating and promoting hinduism who were cracking jokes of pallestinains child being killed ..and those who call arabs muslims as terrorist in schools and colleges…

  4. Mẹ Thiên Nhiên Đang Cảnh Báo Cho Nhân Loại .(Phản ứng hạt nhân ..Bom đạn .rốc két .dầu mỏ Quạng cứ khai thác cho nhiều vào ….)

  5. Kia ora people I'm from New Zealand and my sister and her husband live in Dubai they told me that they're fine and that a lot of these videos of Dubai sinking is the work of nasty JEALOUS people. Cheers to our families and to the beautiful people of Dubai.

  6. ala has no son therefore you have to bare your sins yourself.
    turn to Yahovah he has provided a sacrifice for your sins. read the KJV bible and find the God who cares for you

  7. Арабов палестинаим успокойте. Они кричат акбар и не понимают, что приносят гнев на себя. Они возомнили себя,, богами,,! Ревность Бога переходит все границы. Не Аль Акса у арабов святыня, а Мекка. Почему гневят Бога.?!

  8. Аллах накажет всех кто поддерживал и поддерживает убийства израилем евреями сионистами детей женшин стариков мирных жителей Палистины, всех кто поддержал разрушение Газы и города вокруг неё.
    Вы все будете наказанны Аллахом.
    Валлахи вы будете наказанны Аллахом и в этом мире в дунья и в ахире в судный день.
    Это только начало.
    Да накажет Аллах вас всех, бедствиями наводнениями, градом, ураганами, пожарами и огнём, землятресениями и ополознями, извержениями вулканов и болезнями всех вас сатанистов кабалистов сионистов америки израиля англии европпы да накажет вас всех Аллах велеким наказанием.

  9. Надеюсь что ваш христос не затронет площадки для танцев, а то танцы и пляски устраивать не где будет. Вот как надо наказывать без единого выстрела и никаких воин не надо. Ни какой христос не может вам и не надо придумывать басни, что на облаке прилетить спаситель детские выдумки. Нет бога кроме Всевышнего АЛЛАХА и не было и не будет, на земле и на небесах Ин Ша АЛЛАХ.

  10. Катаклизмы будут только усиливаться!Бог скоро выйдет и вмиг вся земля сгорит и, будет духовный мир! Кайтесь срочно в духе своём, там –ваша тайная комната и просите скорого завершения этого мира! Ищите лик Господа Иисаила Христа и познайте Его Слово!Не спите,успейте!!🙏🙏🙏

  11. No eye see 🙈 whole world disaster everywhere 😖philippines, canada, Europe, indonesia, Australia, China , arab saudi, Thailand,vietnam , turkey still got never finish yet 😮

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