From creepy footage that might show the ghost of an old woman to a scary figure caught on trail cam, viewers are in utter disbelief over this creepy footage. #Creepy #Scary #SlappedHam
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6. Wierd figure captured in the middle of the woods https://www.reddit.com/r/ParanormalEncounters/comments/17sd0lx/wierd_figure_captured_in_the_middle_of_the_woods/
5. Hey I am from Pune, India. Today a girl from my school was possessed by a demon. https://www.reddit.com/r/ParanormalEncounters/comments/17yex9x/hey_i_am_from_pune_india_today_a_girl_from_my/
4. Ok so I’ll try to explain this best I can…The first photo was taken 6months after my Mother… https://www.facebook.com/groups/283566876803190/permalink/848239517002587/
3. Local hotel security caught this on camera https://www.reddit.com/r/ParanormalEncounters/comments/12celc0/local_hotel_security_caught_this_on_camera/
2. Anyone familiar with Street light interference phenomenon? https://www.reddit.com/r/ParanormalEncounters/comments/164ngxa/anyone_familiar_with_street_light_interference/
1. Hi everyone, thanks for accepting me. This video was taken last summer at the residence I was living in… https://www.facebook.com/rachel.fields.7165/videos/344161048559911/
Arbitrary Treatment
Dark Corners
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
It's so common for passed loved ones to visit, after our daughter died, the hospital or hospice or something actually asked us if she had visited yet. She does visit once in a while. In fact I (still dont) never believed the doors opening by themselves til one day I was sitting in the living room and just like those fake videos, woosh the door goes open like it got pushed. I have a hard time with that one because again I just don't believe ghosts care about opening doors or cabinets.
+The trail cam is freaky!
+The young man looks weird in the background. He's either got his arm around the old lady, or she's been photoshopped in.
+ The hotel footage is old, and been on here before. Also, it's been revealed to be faked.
+The guy can tell when the lights are going to come on, and he may have had help with a couple of them.
+How many videos are we going to see where someone's walking down the street in the distance, but because they walk through light and darkness, people claim it's a disappearing ghost? 🙄
The hotel hallway looks fake to me. For one, I've NEVER seen security CCTV footage that crisp. For another, the woman's body language is B movie acting from the moment she walks through the door.
Not to mention, upon seeing and experiencing these spooky shenanigans, she ran TOWARDS the scary end of the hall, instead of back to the exit immediately behind her 😂
12:00 is a person. The headlights from the car expose it in the dark.
5 is completely fraud. they did horrible trying to hide the guy holding her up while she pretends to levaitate
Too FAKE!!
my mother came back once to say goodbye to my kids , all im going to say about it , it happens folks
There's a laugh in the old motel
Sooooo much fake
First one looks like a deer's head and pareidolia underneath it.
The dog barking also disappeared at the so called ghost its not a ghost more a trick of light
Regurgitated Content.
Good support from peers in India there😮
Street light interference. 😂😂😂
2:40 I think if you look closely her back arching against someone behind her where the camera angle is obscured. Doubtful of her floating.
In anycase, give her B12 Vitamins and Follate supplements. ✌🤣
LOL Kallen, this background “spooky” music reminded of the game Myst LOL nothing spooky at all
At 1:00, if that creature was real, & I'd say it IS, then why the photoshopped-looking EYES?
Consciousness/belief used to manipulate simple electromechanical devices.
Faces of dead relatives are often out of focus or have blurred features.
Something unseen lifting her!
The first one with the trail cam photo is a Halloween skeleton you can buy with glowing eyes😂 I have one.
The clip with the "possessed" girl may have been more convincing if the guy in front holding her wasn't smiling!
Why ? Why cant you talk normal?
Sleep well after this fake pix 😎🇸🇪
"Girl in Class" it seems as though she might be possessed I have knowledge on blessings .
👋 Slapped Ham
The last one is just a camera glitch. The dog also looks transparent the further away he gets, he is just chasing someone. If we are in the garden, and the camera picks us up in a certain part of the garden, we look transparent too.
The last video is fake. The fake ghost has a shadow
So you just post lies now, like your success?
4:59 Haunted Hotel- There's something unnatural about the way the girl starts moving down the hallway… It's like she's acting out walking down the hallway because she doesn't move at a normal pace and then she seems to pause a little bit as if giving time for the plant to be knocked over. and someone could've been behind her and waved something through the air to create the breeze to blow her hair… I'm probably overthinking it but there was just some thing that wasn't normal about the way she walked down the hall in the first place.
Well, grandma came back from the dead dressed for a picnic. And the dude with dark hair and glasses is leaning in to take a picture with ghost grandma.
levitating? Really? She was putting her foot on the side of the table and just pushing up and arching her back. If that’s all you need to do to levitate well then I can fly like superman.