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About the Author: Mozzam Ali vlog


  1. ( 👉 💪 👈 )
    💪 Wedding king 💪.
    💪 My dear's friend's to marriage understand please 💪.
    💪 For the safety of the child, it is the best of the best for the father and mother to be the best only on follow the rights education don't use the wrong education children are born well only when father and mother are healthy stay away from greedy donkey male and female 💪.
    💪 please only on use flats slippers and shoes please request me 💪.
    💪 Don't use heel slippers and shoes please request me babita sister ji ok 💪.
    💪 Don't cheat with flattery, do good deeds honestly and where light occurs there no also thief does not occur 💪.
    💪 Our deeds are not driven by lies, only by truth, it is our duty to create good by killing evil, this is the truth 💪.
    💪 Don't mistakes all to all winter and summer farming 💪.
    💪 Pay attention to the body and improve the body try to understand the skills (talent) boy sign 💪.
    💪 God and demon together reduce and increase the natural load and put load on nature but we are the ones who reduce the natural load equal to zero by cutting the god and demon i.e. destroy the temple itself 💪.
    💪 The house of god and demon is temple which creates illusion but we are the ones who destroy the temple itself 💪.
    💪 God and demon's house is bad, how will they give good education to someone else 💪.
    💪 Horse the horse only happens and donkey the donkey only happens please infections understand horse and donkey keep away 💪.
    💪 Understand the level mean understand the balancing mean understand the king of wedding 💪.
    💪 We are those who do not make mistakes because we have a lot of time and we set our levels very comfortably and all our work is done very comfortably because we do our deeds best 💪.
    💪 Focus on the future and make themselves home secure 💪.
    💪 If the laborer becomes a mechanic, then what will the owner do, that's why a snake is a snake and a snake charmer is a snake charmer 💪.
    💪 Our actions continue twenty-four hours and when the time comes to fill the left by intelligence empty spaces left by us, we fill all those left by intelligence empty spaces and intelligence we complete all our actions 💪.
    💪 Those who want to be happy by giving us sorrow, we should make ourselves happy by giving sorrow to them only 💪.
    💪 In defense of itself, the prey harasses the hunter and this is the reason for the prey's horrific death 💪.
    💪 Snake eats food snake charmer but only after breaking snake's teeth the snake charmer keeps the snake with him 💪.
    💪 Understand the meaning of breaking teeth 💪.
    💪 Only on everything's weight kill him but first kill him big weight understand very simply my dear's only on comfort 💪.
    💪 Hail youth 💪.
    💪 Don't use wrong
    education 💪.
    💪 Use the only on right education understand 💪.
    💪Keeping the
    environment good 💪.
    💪 feeling and pressure education 💪.
    💪 I love you 💪.
    💪 Good job 💪.
    💪 We have only three enemies in our life,
    (1). Grandfather, grandmother and maternal grandfather maternal grandmother,
    (2). Father and mother,
    (3). Sister and brother,
    But the we are that also. who break the snake teeth's 💪.
    💪 Criminal commits a crime only when he gets help do not help criminal and understand the meaning of breaking snake teeth we are the ones who first ask grandfather grandmother maternal grandfather maternal grandmother what they did to their father mother and grandfather grandmother maternal grandfather maternal grandmother and then check their deeds and then cut them 💪.
    💪 The biggest reason for horses getting sick is donkey coming to the horse's place due to which the horse becomes sick if the horse sees a donkey anywhere in the horse's living area, then the horse will kill the donkey and the donkey's children will get scared after seeing the donkey's death and a donkey will never be seen in place of a horse because it is a matter of health 💪.
    💪 To have mercy on crime means to give the easiest death to the crime, due to which the crime gets promoted, but we are also the ones who give the most gruesome death to the crime and uproot the crime, which means to stop the crime. we eliminate crime from its roots, crime means disease, there is only one reason for a horse disease to the donkey coming to the horse's place, the horse will give a terrible death to the greedy donkey 💪.
    💪 In defense of itself, the prey harasses the hunter and this is the reason for the prey's horrific death 💪.
    💪 The donkey dies the death of his donkey, but the donkey who makes the horse's living place dirty the horse punishes the donkey separately for that crime 💪.
    💪 The donkey gets greedy and wants to eat the horse's food, but the horse is also a horse, the horse leaves the donkey with the donkey forever, there will never be a donkey and there will never be greed because a horse is a horse, means the snake charmer break the teeth of a snake 💪.
    💪 What did mechanic ji do and what the laborer ji wants to do and what will owner do and Why is the owner is the owner? tell me my dear friends 💪.
    💪 No matter how big the mother is, she will always be small in front of the sister 💪.
    💪 Don't interfere in our life stay away from us otherwise i will kill you 💪.
    💪 The snake charmer is the king who never shows mercy on the snake's teeth and breaks the snake's teeth because it is a matter of protection 💪.
    💪 All these miracles are of from all the same bread, are everything but are nothing, but why, horse eats its grass and mule means donkey eats its grass still why 💪.
    💪 Where there are good places to play the same relish comes from playing games understand your home mean's understand the relish mean's understand the mystery of health mean's understand the safety 💪.
    💪 What's happens wedding and caretaker my dear 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 I love you 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 You love me 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 Tell me my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 level medal 🥇 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's happening snake and snake charmer feature means hours and donkey feature my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    ( 👉 💪 What's happening mind and reshponsebelty my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's happening thinking my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's are the differences 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's happening diseases my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's happening talent my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's happening safety my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's is this my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 (1) Forest (2) Snake charmer (3) Snake (4) Teeth (5) talent (6) relish (7) mind,
    And we are those who break the snake's teeth and the deeds that snake charmer can do is something deeds that snake can never do 💪.
    💪 In terms of level, horse mule means donkey does not on the show mercy. Horse always keeps the mule means donkey away from itself and neither the horse itself runs away from the level nor the mule means it allows the donkey to run away from the level because everyone looks good in their own level, that means the horse uproots the crime from its roots and the horse always remains at the own level and the horse always remains healthy 💪.
    💪 The horse had strength so horse survived. The donkey does not have the strength like a horse. The donkey will not survive 💪.
    💪 We are those who set the wife on fire before setting the in-laws on fire because the wife, despite being intelligent, cheats on her husband by colluding with her in-laws 💪.
    💪 Our business runs on fear because we are the ones who make the most terrible missiles, that is, break the teeth of snake we break the we break the teeth of those who deceive us by flattering us 💪.
    💪 We are the ones whose share marketing never goes up and down because we do all our work as per requirement and we always remain within our capacity 💪.
    💪 we are the one whose all actions are go driven by pressure education 💪.
    💪 A laborer is always a laborer, the owner is never a laborer the owner was the owner and the owner is the owner and the owner will be the owner where is the strength in darkness that stops in front of light 💪.
    💪 Question: What is relish?
    Answer: Horse eats its food and donkey eats its food and everyone remains within their capacity, this is called relish mean's we are them die of the level those who have no treatment anywhere 💪.
    💪 nature routine never jokes and talent show off and play 💪.
    💪 Cut god with demon and take out ziro mean's destroy the temple understand the education 💪.
    ( 👉 💪 👈 ).

  2. عَنْ ثَوْبَانَ عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم أَنَّهُ قَالَ : ( لأَعْلَمَنَّ أَقْوَامًا مِنْ أُمَّتِي يَأْتُونَ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ بِحَسَنَاتٍ أَمْثَالِ جِبَالِ تِهَامَةَ بِيضًا فَيَجْعَلُهَا اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ هَبَاءً مَنْثُورًا ) قَالَ ثَوْبَانُ : يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صِفْهُمْ لَنَا ، جَلِّهِمْ لَنَا أَنْ لاَ نَكُونَ مِنْهُمْ وَنَحْنُ لاَ نَعْلَمُ ، قَالَ : ( أَمَا إِنَّهُمْ إِخْوَانُكُمْ وَمِنْ جِلْدَتِكُمْ وَيَأْخُذُونَ مِنَ اللَّيْلِ كَمَا تَأْخُذُونَ وَلَكِنَّهُمْ أَقْوَامٌ إِذَا خَلَوْا بِمَحَارِمِ اللَّهِ انْتَهَكُوهَا ) .

  3. إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُحِبُّونَ أَن تَشِيعَ الْفَاحِشَةُ فِي الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ ۚ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ (19

  4. ( 👉 💪 👈 )
    💪 Wedding king 💪.
    💪 My dear's friend's to marriage understand please 💪.
    💪 For the safety of the child, it is the best of the best for the father and mother to be the best only on follow the rights education don't use the wrong education understand 💪.
    💪 please only on use flats slippers and shoes please request me 💪.
    💪 Don't use heel slippers and shoes please request me babita sister ji ok 💪.
    💪 Don't cheat with flattery, do good deeds honestly and where light occurs there no also thief does not occur 💪.
    💪 Our deeds are not driven by lies, only by truth, it is our duty to create good by killing evil, this is the truth 💪.
    💪 Don't mistakes all to all winter and summer farming 💪.
    💪 Pay attention to the body and improve the body try to understand the skills (talent) boy sign 💪.
    💪 God and demon together reduce and increase the natural load and put load on nature but we are the ones who reduce the natural load equal to zero by cutting the god and demon i.e. destroy the temple itself 💪.
    💪 The house of god and demon is temple which creates illusion but we are the ones who destroy the temple itself 💪.
    💪 God and demon's house is bad, how will they give good education to someone else 💪.
    💪 My dear's tell me why a owner is tha owner laborer wants become a mechanic but we are that who make mechanic that laborer 💪.
    💪 Understand the level mean understand the balancing mean understand the king of wedding 💪.
    💪 We are those who do not make mistakes because we have a lot of time and we set our levels very comfortably and all our work is done very comfortably because we do our deeds best 💪.
    💪 Focus on the future and make themselves home secure 💪.
    💪 If the laborer becomes a mechanic, then what will the owner do, that's why a snake is a snake and a snake charmer is a snake charmer 💪.
    💪 Our actions continue twenty-four hours and when the time comes to fill the left by intelligence empty spaces left by us, we fill all those left by intelligence empty spaces and intelligence we complete all our actions 💪.
    💪 Those who want to be happy by giving us sorrow, we should make ourselves happy by giving sorrow to them only 💪.
    💪 In defense of itself, the prey harasses the hunter and this is the reason for the prey's horrific death 💪.
    💪 Snake eats food snake charmer but only after breaking snake's teeth the snake charmer keeps the snake with him 💪.
    💪 Understand the meaning of breaking teeth 💪.
    💪 Only on everything's weight kill him but first kill him big weight understand very simply my dear's only on comfort 💪.
    💪 Hail youth 💪.
    💪 Don't use wrong
    education 💪.
    💪 Use the only on right education understand 💪.
    💪Keeping the
    environment good 💪.
    💪 I love you 💪.
    💪 Good job 💪.
    💪 We have only three enemies in our life,
    (1). Grandfather, grandmother and maternal grandfather maternal grandmother,
    (2). Father and mother,
    (3). Sister and brother,
    But the we are that also. who break the snake teeth's 💪.
    💪 Criminal commits a crime only when he gets help do not help criminal and understand the meaning of breaking snake teeth we are the ones who first ask grandfather grandmother maternal grandfather maternal grandmother what they did to their father mother and grandfather grandmother maternal grandfather maternal grandmother and then check their deeds and then cut them 💪.
    💪 The biggest reason for horses getting sick is donkey coming to the horse's place due to which the horse becomes sick if the horse sees a donkey anywhere in the horse's living area, then the horse will kill the donkey and the donkey's children will get scared after seeing the donkey's death and a donkey will never be seen in place of a horse because it is a matter of health 💪.
    💪 To have mercy on crime means to give the easiest death to the crime, due to which the crime gets promoted, but we are also the ones who give the most gruesome death to the crime and uproot the crime, which means to stop the crime. we eliminate crime from its roots, crime means disease, there is only one reason for a horse disease to the donkey coming to the horse's place 💪.
    💪 In defense of itself, the prey harasses the hunter and this is the reason for the prey's horrific death 💪.
    💪 The donkey dies the death of his donkey, but the donkey who makes the horse's living place dirty the horse punishes the donkey separately for that crime 💪.
    💪 The mule gets greedy and wants to eat the horse's food, but the horse is also a horse, the horse leaves the mule with the donkey forever, there will never be a mule and there will never be greed because a horse is a horse, means the snake charmer break the teeth of a snake 💪.
    💪 What did mechanic ji do and what the laborer ji wants to do and what will owner do and Why is the owner is the owner? tell me my dear friends 💪.
    💪 No matter how big the mother is, she will always be small in front of the sister 💪.
    💪 Don't interfere in our life stay away from us otherwise i will kill you 💪.
    💪 The snake charmer is the king who never shows mercy on the snake's teeth and breaks the snake's teeth because it is a matter of protection 💪.
    💪 All these miracles are of from all the same bread, are everything but are nothing, but why, horse eats its grass and mule means donkey eats its grass still why 💪.
    💪 Where there are good places to play the same relish comes from playing games understand your home mean's understand the relish mean's understand the mystery of health mean's understand the safety 💪.
    💪 What's happens wedding and caretaker my dear 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 I love you 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 You love me 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 Tell me my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 level medal 🥇 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's happening snake and snake charmer feature means hours and donkey feature my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    ( 👉 💪 What's happening mind and reshponsebelty my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's happening thinking my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's are the differences 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's happening diseases my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's happening talent my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's happening safety my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 ( 👉 💪 What's is this my dear 💪 👈 ) 💪.
    💪 (1) Forest (2) Snake charmer (3) Snake (4) Teeth (5) talent (6) relish (7) mind,
    And we are those who break the snake's teeth and the deeds that snake charmer can do is something deeds that snake can never do 💪.
    💪 In terms of level, horse mule means donkey does not on the show mercy. Horse always keeps the mule means donkey away from itself and neither the horse itself runs away from the level nor the mule means it allows the donkey to run away from the level because everyone looks good in their own level, that means the horse uproots the crime from its roots and the horse always remains at the own level and the horse always remains healthy 💪.
    💪 The horse had strength so horse survived. The donkey does not have the strength like a horse. The donkey will not survive 💪.
    💪 We are those who set the wife on fire before setting the in-laws on fire because the wife, despite being intelligent, cheats on her husband by colluding with her in-laws 💪.
    💪 Our business runs on fear because we are the ones who make the most terrible missiles, that is, break the teeth of snake we break the we break the teeth of those who deceive us by flattering us 💪.
    💪 We are the ones whose share marketing never goes up and down because we do all our work as per requirement and we always remain within our capacity 💪.
    💪 we are the one whose all actions are go driven by pressure education 💪.
    💪 A laborer is always a laborer, the owner is never a laborer the owner was the owner and the owner is the owner and the owner will be the owner where is the strength in darkness that stops in front of light 💪.
    💪 Question: What is relish?
    Answer: Horse eats its food and donkey eats its food and everyone remains within their capacity, this is called relish mean's we are them die of the level those who have no treatment anywhere 💪.
    💪 nature routine never jokes and talent show off and play 💪.
    💪 Cut god with demon and take out ziro mean's destroy the temple understand the education 💪.
    ( 👉 💪 👈 ).

  5. ( 👉 💪 👈 )
    🙏 इलाज हा हा हा स्वाद 🙏.
    🙏 उदाहरण 🙏.
    🙏 इलाज हा हा हा स्वाद 🙏.
    हम वो हैं जो पहले दादा दादी और नाना नानी से यह पूछंते हैं की उन्होने अपने पिता माता और दादा दादी नाना नानी के साथ क्या किया था और फिर उनके कर्मों को जांचते हैं और फिर उन्हें काटते हैं अपराधी तभी अपराध करता है जब उसे मदद मिलती है अपराधी की मदद न करें और सांप के दांत तोड़ने का मतलब समझें दादा दादी और नाना नानी की साहायता करने वालो हम वो हैं जो अपराधीयो की साहायता नही करते अपराधीयो को और अपराधीयो की साहायता करने वालो को सिर्फ और सिर्फ उनका अपराध जांच कर उनको उन्ही के अपराधो की सजा देते है मतलब सांप के दांत तोड़ देते हैं मोत की परतिक्षा करने वालो हम वो हैं जो सांप के दांत ही तोड़ देते हैं आई बात समझ में सभी के
    दादा दादी और नाना नानी की साहायता करने वालो हम वो हैं जो अपराधीयो की साहायता नही करते अपराधीयो को और अपराधीयो की साहायता करने वालो को सिर्फ और सिर्फ अपराध की सजा देते है मतलब सांप के दांत तोड़ देते हैं मोत की परतिक्षा करने वालो हम वो हैं जो सांप के दांत ही तोड़ देते हैं मतलब हम भी वो हैं जो प्राकृतिक भार को कम और ज्यादा करने वालो को ही काटते हैं मतलब जो प्राकृतिक भार को – 1 करते हैं और + 1 करते हैं और प्राकृति पर भार डा़लते हैं उन्हे पूरी तरह काटते हैं और सही उत्तर = 0 बचाते मतलब सांप के दांत तोड़ देते हैं
    आई बात समझ में सभी के 🙏.
    🙏 इलाज हा हा हा स्वाद 🙏.
    हमे अपने लडके की जरूरत हैं और अपनी पत्नि की जरूरत हैं क्योकि हम उनसे बहुत प्यार करते हैं हमे तो बस ये देखना हैं की सच के सामने झूठ का बड़प्पन चल कसे सकता हैं क्योकि हम लड़को के चिन्ह वाले हैं 🙏.
    🙏 इलाज हा हा हा स्वाद 🙏.
    🙏 जेसे की एक चींटी एक समय में एक रोटी नहीं खा सकती और उसी तरह एक समय में एक हाथी का पेट एक रोटी में नहीं भर सकता मगर हम बुद्धि के द्वारा एक ही रोटी से पूरे जंगल का पेट भर सकते हैं जब एक बार मे मतलब ( एक समय मे ही ) एक चींटी एक रोटी नही खा सकती वेसे ही हाथी अपनी क्षमता से ज्यादा भोजन केसे खा सकता है इसिलिये सभी अप अपनी क्षमता में ही रहें 🙏.
    🙏 इलाज हा हा हा स्वाद 🙏.
    🙏 + भगवान दशरथ ने शादी की + भगवान राम को वनवाश हुवा और पूरा घर खत्म हो गया राक्षश रावण ने राक्षशनी मंदोदरी से शादी की मगर फिर भी – राक्षश रावन सीता देवी को उठा के ले गया और पूरा घर खत्म हो गया मगर हम वो हैं जो एसे + भगवान और – राक्षश को ही खत्म कर देते हैं जिन्हे शादी का ही नही पता हो हम वो हैं जो मन्दिर को ही खत्म कर देते हैं आई बात समझ में सभी के 🙏.
    🙏 इलाज हा हा हा स्वाद 🙏.
    + भगवान और – राक्षश का ही घर खराब हैं वो कीसी और को अछ्छी शिक्षा कसे देगे 🙏.
    🙏 इलाज हा हा हा स्वाद 🙏.
    + इन्सान और – जानवर का मतलब है + भगवान और – राक्षश जो प्राकृतिक भार को कम और ज्यादा करके प्राकृति पर भार डा़लते हैं मगर हम वो हैं जो प्राकृतिक भार को कम और ज्यादा करने वालो को काटते हैं मतलब जो प्राकृतिक भार को – 1 करते हैं और + 1 करते हैं और प्राकृति पर भार डा़लते हैं उन्हे पूरी तरह काटते हैं और सही उत्तर = 0 बचाते हैं आई बात समझ मे सभी के 🙏.
    🙏 इलाज हा हा हा स्वाद 🙏.
    + भगवान और – राक्षश अपने बचाव मे वहम बनाते हैं 👉 💪 👈 + भगवान और – राक्षश चोर हैं मगर हम वो हैं जो मन्दिर को ही तोड़ देते हैं 👉 💪 👈 सापं के दातं तोड़ देते हैं मतलब मन्दिर को तोड़ देते हैं जिसमे + भगवान और – राक्षश रहते हैं + भगवान और – राक्षश दोनो मिलकर योजना बनाकर वहम बना देते हैं और वहम बनाकर + भगवान – राक्षश के घर को बचा लेता हैं और – राक्षश + भगवान के घर को बचा लेता हैं मगर हम वो हैं जो + भगवान और – राक्षश को खत्म करके उनके सभी बनाये हुवे वहम खत्म कर देते हैं ( 👉 💪 👈 ) और मन्दिर को तोड़ देते हैं ( 👉 नाही मन्दिर होगा 👈 ) और ( 👉 नाही वहम होगा 👈 ) मतलब सापं के दातं तोड़ देते है (👉नाही दातं होगे👈)और( 👉 नाही रक्त संक्रमण होगा 👈 ) ( 👉 💪 👈 ) आई बात समझ मे सभी के )🙏.
    🙏 इलाज हा हा हा स्वाद 🙏.
    अन्जानवस भी सांप पर दाब लग जाने पर भी वह काटता हैं इसिलिये हम वो हैं जो सांप के दांत ही तोड़ देते हैं 🙏.
    💪 शिकार अपनी रक्षा के लिए शिकारी को परेशान करता है और यही शिकार की भयानक मौत का कारण बनता है 💪.
    💪 बबीता बहन जी गधा गधे जेसा ही होता है मगर बबीता बहन जी घोड़ा गघे जेसा नही होता है 💪.
    💪 मेरे प्यारे दोस्तों कृपया विवाह को समझें 💪 .
    उत्तर = ( भूख ही तो हैं ) और ( स्वाद ही तो हैं ) 🙏.
    🙏 ( 💪 क्योकि ये हुनर की बात हैं 💪 ) 🙏.
    🙏 ( लड़को के चिन्ह वाले 👉 💪 👈 ) 🙏.
    🙏 इलाज हा हा हा स्वाद 🙏.
    ( 👉 💪 👈 ).

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