When Karens Mess With The WRONG People.. #7

When Karens Mess With The WRONG People.. #7
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When Karens Mess With The WRONG People.. #7

Subscribe for more videos to see Karens Who Got What They Really DESERVED, Karens, Public Freakouts, Karen Complications, Karens Getting Owned By Police, Karens Going to Prison, Instant Karma & More!

Videos inspired by:
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About the Author: Public Freakout Videos


  1. A lot of stores don’t give u bags anymore, u either pay for one, bring one or carry ur item(s),
    Also a lot of stores ask if u want to print/text/email the receipt **** that lady was way too intense over that situation!

  2. cop at 5:05 handles it the right way. he knew it was a bs call and he has to ask questions like asking if someone has ID because he's wearing a body cam. he dipped when he got the answer he needed lol.

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