COLLISION: Insane Crash Leaves Officer Inches Away From Losing His Life!

COLLISION: Insane Crash Leaves Officer Inches Away From Losing His Life!
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This insane crash in Oklahoma during a traffic stop showed a police officer miraculously survive!

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About the Author: TheDC Shorts


  1. Do NOT stop on the side of busy freeways/highways etc….death traps! Slow down, hazard lights on, off as soon as it safe to do so, to stop in a quieter side road!. This type of incident happens way too often! 😕

  2. I had similar incident when driving on an icy highway, cars were going way to fast for the conditions and were sliding off the road. I decided to play hero and pulled over to see if I could help, help with what who knows. Then a car came sliding right for me and my car and just missed it. I got out of there pronto.

  3. It's too dangerous allowing cops to pull over cars on the highway for minor infractions. Is it worth pulling someone over for speeding 15 MPH over and risking some idiot not paying attention ramming into the cop or violator and killing them? There's a lot of drivers not paying attention on the road, I dodge them everday and they don't respond to honking other than giving me the finger…no it's to save my life idiot!

  4. These are scary moments 😳 😬. I was wondering if they would make a special place for the cops 👮‍♂️ to stop over speeding drivers to park 🤔 😳. Stopping the side of the highway can be dangerous at times.

  5. What would also help is if police would instruct drivers to pull further off the side of the road. Maybe designated pull over spots should be built further off the road so the drivers are further away from other drivers…because this also endangers the occupants of the vehicles who are stopped. Being just one lane away or right off the side isn’t far enough to protect everyone. In some states when a police is present…you have to slow down and move over a lane as you drive by….but this still doesn’t always protect enough.

  6. The officer in the second clip should have just jumped over the guardrail rather than run. There was no protection for him where he was running, as opposed to the guardrail providing protection.

  7. 1:23 I understand this was a scary incident and he only had a second to make a decision but I would hope that I would have thought of jumping the guard rail. He was incredibly lucky.

  8. Thank you Jesus ✝️🙏🏻for protecting this officer 🤲🏻🫶🏻 glory be to savior master Jesus Christ, whose God in the flesh Emmanuel is with us

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