Ukraine: How US-supplied Bradleys destroyed feared Russian T-90 tank

Ukraine: How US-supplied Bradleys destroyed feared Russian T-90 tank
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Incredible footage has been released showing one of Russia’s most capable main battle tanks being obliterated by the firepower of two US-supplied Bradley infantry fighting vehicles in Ukraine.

The T-90 tank was described by Russian President Vladimir Putin as “the world’s most advanced main battle tank”.

However, despite being protected by explosive reactive armour, the T-90’s weaknesses on the battlefield were exposed in drone footage that showed the vehicle facing the two M2 Bradleys.


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  1. To add to the cause. The Russian Crewmen is not equipped with noise reduction headphones and liner like those in the M1 Abrams and other fighting vehicles that the US have. So, constantly getting hit by 25mm bushmaster is very deafening for the crew.

  2. The tank and crew survived even after the drone.
    One of Bradley that engaged the t-90 was destroyed trying to leave the area. The tank suffered no damage beyond a turret ring malfunction and destroyed optics.

    Garbage propaganda. All this was is a commercial for t-90 crew suitability after 2 drones and being peppered by bradleys all crew members still lived and the tank was later recovered.

    Also why are you saying 4 million dollars likes its a big loss as if NATO vehicles don't cost 100x that lol
    That trashy APC costs as much to produce as that t-90 did and then some.

  3. That tank got hit 100 times from 2 bradley plus a drone and was still driving. Did they shoot new years fireworks at it or is this an amazingly robust construction?

  4. This speaks more to the survivability of T90. In fact, Ukranians were repeatedly reporting Bradley's unfit for harsh weather conditions, mud, and subzero temperatures. Engine would not start, and cross-country mobility leaves much to be desired.

  5. Idk why theyve abandoned armored doctrine. You either see lone tanks or lone ifvs going out and getting blown to hell and gone. Even when theyre in groups…its groups of tanks or groups of ifvs. One is suppised to support the other but they refuse to do it.

  6. Какая доблесть из засады с численным перевесом бить- бить- не добить :))) А потом вызвать подкрепление- дрон. Доблесть выше облаков! :)))))))
    А почему из автоматических пушек? Ракеты кончились? 😉 Ракеты кончились, а танк едет??? 😉 )))
    Такое в подвиг, только американцы могут записать… Ну и ещё британцы- тоже "нация- воин…" :))))

  7. Why do you'll never show the truth! Russia is destroying 😂😂😂 western media just wants it to look a certain way because the west is funding Ukraine, they dont want to look foolish 😂😂😂

  8. This is the weirdest war I have ever seen, where are the formations, why is it always single vehicles, no platoons or companies of vehicles operating together.

  9. Looks like US supplied Ukraine with depleted Uranium rounds, they can penetrate any types of armoured tanks. If true this isn't good as Russia who's already winning the war on the battlefield will escalate further.

  10. You know how loud a apds something and HE alternating on a chain would be by two 25mm's from inside a tank. It would disable every optic track added relikt add on in seconds. You would see nothing out of any viewing port it would be blinding. It could even disable the turret, barrel, gun mantle etc. A tow would be like hello after that. Those 25mm rounds are medium rounds dont let the mm fool you the case is 137mm pushing out a 25mm round at 4500-5000fps. For instance a 120/44 m829a4 is pushing around 1650m/s which is basically at 5200fps. So that charge to round size on that 25mm is insane. For instance russian version of the bradleys gun is a 30mm 2a42 and that thing only puts rounds down at 900-1100 m/s so 2900-3200fps far cry from that 25mm. That bushmaster is nothing to laugh at especially with its apfsds-t rounds.

  11. T-90 tank was just a upgrade of older models where western tanks are brand new from the ground up and everything has been thought of. Russia went yet again with more is better and the west went with technology, so the west have far better tanks and planes. The Russians and Chinese try to reverse engineer but by the time they make some wish version of American tech, The west have already developed the next thing that makes the last useless.

  12. I need to say this, the internet is flooded with news where Ukraine is beating up Russia but the REAL reality is that Russia is winning big time so stop brainwashing people with delusional ideas that Ukraine are kinda winning cuz it’s just not true

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